The HWDSB Welcome Centre welcomes hundreds of new students every year, whether they are new to Canada or new to the Ontario public school system. It supports students and families with their transition to Hamilton, Ontario, as students begin their new school experience at HWDSB.
The Welcome Centre’s Admissions Office and assessment staff work together to provide services that make starting school a smooth process. The Welcome Centre also supports adult students with initial assessments as they resume their studies towards achieving their Ontario High School Diploma.
Our Services:
- Admissions for International and Exchange Students
- English as a Second Language Assessments for Newcomers
- Prior Learning Equivalent Credits
- Supporting Families from Ukraine
Hours |
Address |
July and August: short Summer hours are in effect. September 1 to June 30: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
HWDSB Welcome Centre (located in the Hill Park Learning Centre). Map 465 East 16th Street, Second floor, Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 4K6 Phone: 905-521-2554. Fax: 905-521-2550 |
Admissions for International and Exchange Students
The Admissions Office oversees the admission of all International and Exchange students by:
- Helping aid a smooth registration process for students.
- Reviewing documentation for VISA and Exchange students.
- Reviewing documentation for school-aged children of parents who have applied for permanent residence in Canada.
- Providing letters of acceptance to VISA student applicants.
- Find out more about Admissions.
- Find out more about the International Student Program.
English as a Second Language Assessments for Newcomers
- This service is required for all students entering grades 1 to 12 who meet specific criteria.
- The assessment identifies appropriate levels of language and literacy of the student.
- A report is sent to the school that recommends program adaptations, instructional interventions and strategies.
- Find out more about English as a Second Language Assessments.
Prior Learning Equivalent Credits
Students transferring to HWDSB from secondary schools outside of Ontario may be eligible for Prior Learning Equivalent Credits. These students must be transferring from:
- Outside of Ontario including other Countries
- Non-inspected private schools
- Home-schooling environments
Supporting Families from Ukraine
- See translated registration forms and media consent forms.
- Elementary and Secondary School Year Calendar
- HWDSB Registration Information / Інформація про реєстрацію
- 1. Welcome to our Schools / 1.ЛАСКАВО ПРОСИМО ДО НАШИХ ШКІЛ
- 2. English as a Second Language Assessment Information for New Families / 2. Інформація для сімей
- 3. Tips for Parents About School in General 2022 / 3. Поради для новоприбулих батьків щодо школи від
- 4. Who Does What in Education? / 4. Хто чим займається в системі освіти
- 5. Typical School Schedules / 5. Типовий розклад школи
- 6. Solving-Problems-at-School-English / 6. Розв’язання проблем у школі
- 7. How To Help Your Child with Math at Home / 7. Як мені допомогти моїй дити
- 8. How To Help Your Child with Reading at Home for English Language Learners / 8. Як мені допомогти моїй д
- 9. Understanding the Provincial Report Card for Grades 1-12 / 9. Пояснення щодо провінційних табелів успішності
- 10. Report Card English as a Second Language Box explanation / 10. Провінційний табель успішності
- 11. What you need to graduate / 11. Які предмети потрібно закінчити, щоб отримати повну