Thinking about your career and your future? Upon graduation from secondary school, there are numerous options available to you. Investigate your interests and skills and think about possible career directions. On this page, you will find information on choosing the right career and post-secondary options.
Career Planning Resources
Choosing a career path is often difficult. There are many ways to explore your options.
- Make an appointment with your guidance counsellor for assistance and advice.
- Volunteer at an organization that you are interested in to find out more about the work environment.
- Part-time jobs could help you decide on a career path.
- Set up “information interviews” with professionals in fields you may be interested in.
Visit the following sites for career resources.
Human Resources Development Canada
Provides information on career choices, career quizzes to help decide what path to follow and career links.
My Future
Provides information on program requirements at all universities to help high school students plan for university. Links to all universities in Ontario and to other sites for information on related topics such as financial planning.
School to Career Programs
There are many opportunities within your secondary school to gather the information you need to make informed decisions about your future, and to explore the variety of options available to you in the world of work. School to Career Programs are opportunities for you to connect to your future while earning secondary school credits.
Resume Writing Tips
Post-Secondary Education Options
Pursuing a higher education could be attending college, university, business, trade, or technical schools.
McMaster University (Local to Hamilton).
Find other Ontario University Contact Information and Web Sites
Visit the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) Web site where you will find valuable information about applying to universities in Ontario.
Mohawk College (Local to Hamilton)
Find Ontario College Contact Information and Web Sites.
Visit the Ontario College Application Services (OCAS) Web site to locate the program that interests you and find out how to apply.
Learn more about funding for post-secondary education through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) Web site.
Updated on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.