At HWDSB, part of our effort to be more environmentally aware involves the way we share information. The HWDSB has made a page available for our community partners to help communicate special events and opportunities for students and parents.
To submit a flyer for approval, create an account then LOGIN to upload your flyer. Once it is approved, you will receive a confirmation email and the flyer will appear on the ‘Recent Flyers’ page. You can then approach the schools individually for approval to distribute the flyer. Please note that if flyers are not on the ‘Recent Flyers’ page the schools will not distribute them.
Recent Flyers
Collaboration Opportunity: Empowering Black Students through the BlackNorth Summer Academy
Added on January 27, 2025 in Other
Summer Camp Ages 16+ Visual Arts Portfolio Preparation at Hamilton Studio School
Added on January 21, 2025 in Camps
* These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, the Director of Education, or any of its schools or service departments.
* HWDSB will only facilitate the distribution of materials through our internal mail courier for HWDSB schools, the school board, the provincial government, municipal government (Public Health and elections information), and the federal government.
Flyers (pdf format max 2mb) will be approved based on the following criteria:
Education Act, Regulation 298 S.24: No advertisement or announcement shall be placed in a school or on school property or distributed or announced to the pupils on school property without the consent of the board that operates the school except announcements of school activities.
Criteria for Approval:
- The advertisement/announcement must be of education benefit to students, support curriculum or extra-curricular activities for students or parents and align with our Commitment to our Community.
- The information/opportunity must be within the Hamilton area or in a community that is viable for attendance by our students or parents.
- The material must NOT contain commercial advertising, corporate logos, reference to corporate sponsors, or be a private business, unless these are directly linked to an initiative or partnership within our system.
- The information must be respectful of all faiths, races and ethnic backgrounds.
- The information must respect the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Education Act.
Questions regarding the distribution of materials should be directed to:
Communications and Community Engagement
905-527-5092 ext. 2411
email [email protected]
These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, the Director of Education, or any of its schools or service departments.
HWDSB will only facilitate the distribution of materials through our internal mail courier for HWDSB schools, the school board, the provincial government, municipal government (Public Health and elections information), and the federal government.
Updated on Friday, October 11, 2024.