HWDSB’s School Cash Online is a convenient online payment system for families to pay for activities, events and school items without handing in cash or cheques.
Available at all HWDSB schools, School Cash Online is used at many schools boards as a way to help teachers focus on instruction instead of order forms. Parents also no longer need to worry about their young children bringing cash to school.
Once parents sign up for an account and connect the student(s) they will be paying for, the account will move with the student(s) as they progress to other HWDSB schools.
Even parents who are not able to make online payments through their bank are encouraged to sign up, because School Cash Online can let parents know about upcoming events, sends email reminders about payment due dates and can accept credit cards.
Please contact your child’s school for additional registration information.
Learn more
Access School Cash Online at hwdsb.schoolcashonline.com
Intro to School Cash Online from KEV Group on Vimeo.
Updated on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.