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HWDSB Building

Adult Student Assessments

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Returning to school is hard enough. HWDSB’s Welcome Centre can help map out your road to success.

The Welcome Centre realizes that adults returning to school, are making a conscious decision to change and improve their lives.

With mounting responsibilities to your family and employer, choosing to upgrade your education can seem a daunting task. For adult learners, returning to school can be a difficult process to fit into your everyday life. That’s where the Welcome Centre can help.

The Welcome Centre offers adult learners a clear path to success along with many options to get there. Our programs and services are designed to help meet individual academic goals.

Adult learners are provided services related to academic credit assessment and registration for Continuing Education programs that will support them in achieving their academic and workplace training goals.

About the Welcome Centre


Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Holiday & Summer Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


HWDSB Welcome Centre (located within Hill Park Learning Centre)
465 East 16th Street, 2nd floor
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4K6
Phone: 905-521-2554
Fax: 905-521-2550
Welcome Centre Map

Where do I Start?

As adults continue their education as Mature Students, HWDSB’s Welcome Centre can grant credits based on prior learning acquired from the time they were not enrolled in school. Grade 9/10 credits can be earned through an assessment process and grade 11/12 credits can be earned based on an assessment of prior learning, including knowledge, skills and training, that mature students have acquired in both formal and informal ways. Find more information about the Mature Student Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) process.

Updated on Thursday, February 13, 2020.
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