Happy September! A warm welcome back, we are glad you are here.
Returning to school can be an exciting time for children, youth and families, but it can also be a stressful time. This Back-to-School We Help Update is designed to help make caregivers aware of HWDSB supports available so you can best meet the needs of children.
Explore the links below to learn about various mental health and well-being webinars and groups taking place over the coming weeks. To register, click the links underneath the dates and follow the steps on the page.
Speaking of mental health and well-being, we invite you to watch our back-to-school Director’s Corner video with a special spotlight on wellness. For this edition in the series, elementary students from W.H. Ballard and secondary students from the Healthcare Support Services Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program sat down to share thoughts on wellness, mental health and more.
Click here to find additional help and resources on our Mental-Health and Well-Being page.
Student Groups
For more information about these groups and how to register for them, please contact the social worker assigned to your child’s school or email [email protected]
TRAILS Anxiety and Depression
TRAILS (Transforming Research into Action to Improve the Lives of Students) groups are designed to help children and youth who struggle with moderate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and/or depression by teaching evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness skills.
This is a 10-week program that may be offered virtually and/or in person. It is recommended that caregivers attend either the Emotion Coaching Webinar or The Caregiver’s Toolkit: Managing Anxiety and Depression Webinar to help them decide if this group best meets their child or youth’s needs. HWDSB is offering the following TRAILS groups for 2024:
Grade 4-6
9 consecutive weeks from October 21 to December 16.
4:40 – 6 p.m. virtually through your child’s Microsoft Teams account. The link will be provided to you.
Grades 7-8
10 consecutive weeks from October 15 to December 17.
4:40 – 6 p.m. virtually through your child’s Microsoft Teams account. The link will be provided to you.
Grades 9-12
10 consecutive weeks from October 16 to December 18.
4:40 to 6 p.m. offered in person or virtually through Microsoft Teams based on preference of student participants.
Teen Activation Group (TAG)
TAG is a treatment group for youth (grades 9 to 12) struggling with depression and anxiety who are not ready to access other treatment options. The group is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Behaviour Activation Therapy. The goal of the group is to help children and youth to reduce their depressive and anxious symptoms and increase their overall activity level, so they can access other treatment options or so they no longer require treatment.
12 weeks total from October 30 to January 29.
3 – 4:30 p.m. offered in person at Hill Park Learning Centre located at 465 E16th Street, Hamilton.
Skén:Nen Indigenous Youth Wellness Program
Skén:Nen combines traditional methods of wellness with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to care for the wholistic needs of Indigenous youth. This program was created through a Two-Eyed Seeing approach by Indigenous clinicians. It incorporates perspectives of Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe traditions and values and is based on the teachings of the Good Mind and the Seven Grandfather Teachings. We welcome perspectives and learning from different nations and communities. The program is for youth ages 14-21 who identify as Indigenous to Turtle Island (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) and looking for support with anxiety, low mood, mental health, stress, or cultural identity-related issues on a referral basis.
10 consecutive weeks from October 16 to December 18.
3:30 – 5:30 p.m. offered in person at Hill Park Learning Centre located at 465 E16th Street, Hamilton.
AFFIRM Is an eight-session Cognitive-Based Therapy informed treatment group specifically for Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ youth to develop coping skills for anxiety and stress related to experiences of discrimination as a result of their sexual and gender identities. The goals of AFFIRM are to decrease unhelpful thoughts, feel better about yourself and lives, and to make healthy choices for sexual and mental health.
Click here to find additional help and resources on our Mental-Health and Well-Being page.
Explore the links below to learn about various mental health and well-being webinars and groups taking place over the coming weeks. To register, click the links underneath the dates and follow the steps on the page.
For more information about these groups, please contact the social worker assigned to your child’s school or email [email protected]
Caregiver Webinars
The Caregiver’s Toolkit: Managing Anxiety and Depression
This workshop will help caregivers to better understand anxiety and low mood and learn practical strategies and tools to support their child in managing their mental health. The workshop will also introduce caregivers to resources available to them and their child at HWDSB should they require additional mental health support beyond what is provided in the workshop.
September 24, 2024 – 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Click here to register.
October 1, 2024 – 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Click here to register.
Emotion Coaching
Emotion Coaching is a communication strategy that can calm the brain in as little as 60 seconds, and help improve relationships. Emotion Coaching has two steps:
- Validation: Letting someone know we understand why they feel, think or act a certain way.
- Support: Then, we provide emotional and practical support using strategies like reassurance, limit-setting, redirecting, collaborative problem-solving, teaching skills, etc.
Register for the webinar for an introduction to Emotion Coaching and how it can improve relationships. Attendees will learn about the role of emotions, link Emotion Coaching to neuroscience, reviewing Emotion Coaching approaches and more.
October 9, 2024 – 6:30 – 9 p.m.
Click here to register.
Caregiver Groups
Families Worrying Less Together
This group is for parents/primary caregivers of students in grades JK-2 or Grades 3-8 (two groups) who are excessively shy or who have intense worries and fears. This program will give you practical strategies to help your child learn to cope differently.
NOTE: It is recommended that you attend either the Emotion Coaching Webinar or The Caregiver’s Toolkit: Managing Anxiety and Depression Webinar before registration.
Six consecutive weeks from October 9 to December 13.
6 – 7:30 p.m. Click here to register.
From Reaction to Action: A Caregiver guide to changing your response to your child’s anxiety
This group will focus on supporting caregivers in reflecting and changing their own behaviour to encourage change in their child’s anxiety. It will provide education, practical skills and the development of a specific plan to start to build your child’s confidence.
Four consecutive weeks from November 18 to December 9.
6 – 8 p.m.
NOTE: You should attend either the Emotion Coaching Webinar or The Caregiver’s Toolkit: Managing Anxiety and Depression Webinar before registration. To register for this group, please contact the social worker assigned to your child’s school or email [email protected]
Click here to find additional help and resources on our Mental-Health and Well-Being page.
In case of crisis, call 911 or visit your local hospital emergency room. For urgent support, contact Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868; www.kidshelpphone.ca; text CONNECT) or COAST Hamilton (905-972-8338; www.coasthamilton.ca).
- Mental Health and Well-Being at HWDSB
- Community Supports and Mental Health Resources for Students
- Community Supports and Mental Health Resources for Parents and Caregivers
- Mental Health and Well-Being Action Plan
- We Help: Mental Health and Addiction Strategy
You can also find Help by Topic on the HWDSB We Help page. Explore resources for topics like:
- General Mental Health
- Anxiety and Depression
- Emotional Regulation
- Sexual Health
Updated on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.