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HWDSB Building

Virtual Partners

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Our partners add value to HWDSB and enhance opportunities for students. Since distance learning started, we have explored a virtual means to connect our partners with educators and students through HWDSB’s secured platform, Microsoft Teams. 

As part of HWDSB’s efforts to help keep students connected with our community partners, we have created the “HWDSB Partnerships Team” in MS Teams. The goal of this Team to allow participants to access unique programming and resources provided by our partners. HWDSB staff and students will be able to view and utilize approved content to enhance and support classroom learning.


About MS Teams and Privacy 

MS Teams are similar to message boards.  MS Teams is one of HWDSB’s approved online collaboration platforms and has been reviewed to ensure it meets the board’s legal requirements for privacy and information security.

Only members of the HWDSB community and approved partner representatives will be able to access this Team.  All participants will be able to see each other’s names, HWDSB contact information, profile picture if they have uploaded one, and contributions to Team’s discussions.

Participants will NOT be able to add content or messages on the Team. Partner representatives understand they must treat student personal information and Team contributions as confidential, the same as they would during in-person activities when school and community facilities are open.

Students will be prohibited from sharing channel content on external platforms such as social media, although it is important to know that HWDSB cannot guarantee that students will respect this requirement.

Parents/guardians who do not want to transition their student’s participation in partnerships to an online environment should contact their child’s teacher. You may change your consent at any time.

Updated on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
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