Home and School Associations exist as entities separate from District School Boards when they are constituted under the umbrella of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations.
They may engage in fundraising activities to support the goals and objectives of their organization.
The proceeds from these activities are not a part of School Generated Funds.
To clarify the relationship between:
- Home and School Associations and District School Boards; and
- Fundraising by each of these entities.
- Local associations are part of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations. The provincial association is a member of the Canadian Home and School Federation.
- Further information about these two federations can be found online at https://www.ofhsa.on.ca and https://www.canadianhomeandschoolfederation.org/
- The Home and School Association will hold its own bank account separate from the School Generated Funds account.
- Although the Home and School Association may engage in fundraising activities that support the school community, all decision making and responsibility for management of funds remain with the Home and School entity.
- A school may have both a School Council and a Home and School Association. The Principal may act as a liaison between both groups to ensure there is no duplication of effort.
- The Principal should be aware of fundraising activities of the Home and School Association and ensure they are being done in the name of the Home and School Association and not in the school’s name.
Updated on Wednesday, August 26, 2015.