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HWDSB Building

School Construction

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improvements to your school facility thanks to building ontarioHamilton-Wentworth District School Board continuously strives to improve and maintain the best quality and conditions of its school facilities to support the learning environment for students and staff, and for the use of schools by the greater community.

A Capital Project is a positive investment to the school, staff, students, and surrounding community. This webpage provides information regarding current major school capital projects that are underway. Typically the status of new school construction, school additions and major alteration work projects are reported on this site.

What to Expect with Capital Construction Projects

The Capital Project Team completes construction projects to create exemplary learning environments that meet current and future student needs. They conduct more than 40 projects a year at various schools, in various stages. Projects include but are not limited to:

Accessibility alterations Building additions Electrical system upgrades Interior renovations Mechanical system upgrades
Outdoor playground/sports field renovations Paving replacements Roofing replacements Window and door replacements

Please see the latest Capital Projects Construction Update – December 19, 2023 for more information, or look up your school below. You can also click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

If the new project is a result of consolidation or growth, then planning is needed to support the transitions associated with school closures, boundary reviews, and naming of new schools. Please visit our Boundary Reviews or Transition Committees webpages to learn more.

Capital Construction Projects at HWDSB Schools

Please Note: Projects identified are in various stages or phases and may not be complete within the school year. If your school is not identified below, it may be part of future projects, either under Facility Benchmark Strategies or another Capital scope.

A.M. Cunningham
  • Gym Renovation
  • Accessible Washroom Renovation
Adelaide Hoodless
  • Corridor Ceiling Renovation
  • Roof Replacement
Ancaster High
  • Hospitality & Tourism Program Renovation
  • Cafeteria Renovation
  • Washroom & Changeroom Renovation
  • Parking Lot Paving (Phase 3)
  • Dust Collector
  • Parking Lot Paving
Binbrook II
  • New 615 pp K-8 elementary school (Land Acquisition)
Buchanan Park
  • Roof Replacement
C.B. Stirling
  • Window & Door Replacement
  • Washroom Renovations
  • Stage Lift
Dundas Central
  • Roof Replacement
Dundas Valley
  • Dust Collector
  • Washroom Renovations
Flamborough Centre
  • Septic System Replacement
  • Parking Lot Expansion
G.L. Armstrong
  • Gym, Music, Art, Science, Learning Commons & Washroom Renovation
  • Corridor Ceiling Renovation
  • Roof Replacement (Phase 2)
  • Washroom & Changeroom Renovation
  • Mechanical Equipment Replacement
Gordon Price
  • Mechanical Equipment Replacement
Helen Detwiler
  • Parking Lot Paving
Hess Street
  • Washroom & Gym Renovation
  • Mechanical Equipment Replacement
Hill Park
  • Roof Replacement (Phase 2)
Mary Hopkins
  • HVAC & Ceiling Renovation
  • Washroom Renovation
  • Washroom Renovation
New Nash
  • New 650 pp K-8 elementary school with 3 room childcare (Paused)
Orchard Park
  • Washroom & Changeroom Renovation
  • Gym & Main Entrance Renovation
  • Playfield Updates
Pauline Johnson
  • Washroom Renovation
Queen Mary
  • Playground Renovation
Richard Beasley
  • Roof Replacement
  • Gym Addition
  • Learning Commons Renovations
  • Dust Collector Revitalization
  • Secondary School Revitalization
  • Sports Field Renovation
Sir Allan MacNab
  • Corridor Ceiling & Locker Renovation
Sir Isaac Brock
  • Interior Finish Updates
  • Mechanical Equipment Replacement
Sir Winston Churchill
  • Changeroom Renovation
  • Washroom Renovation
  • Front Entrance & Ramp Renovation
  • Manufacturing & Shop Renovation
  • Roof Replacement
Viola Desmond
  • Parking Lot Renovation
W.H. Ballard
  • HVAC Renovation (Phase 2)
  • Cafeteria, Washroom & Changeroom Renovation
  • Dust Collector
  • Dust Collector
  • Window & Door Replacement
  • Window & Door Replacement

Frequently Askes Questions (FAQs)

What stages are involved in Capital Projects?

  1. Project Initiation
    • information gathering through interviews and site visits.
    • reviewing monthly/annual compliance reports.
    • reviewing building condition assessment reports.
    • reviewing lessons learned.
    • discussions with HWDSB’s Planning department.
  2. Design
    • engaging qualified and licensed architects, engineers, and environmental (hazardous materials) consultants through prequalified vendor of record lists.
    • On-site investigation, testing and interviews.
    • schematic concepts, design development, initial cost estimates.
    • Submissions to all regulatory bodies (City of Hamilton for building permit, site plan application, building variances, MECP ECA, heritage planning, etc.).
    • Ensuring conformance to pretender drawings, specifications, and cost estimates
    • Preconstruction planning and phasing in collaboration with the school.
  3. Construction
    • engaging a prequalified contractor through competitive procurement.
    • Updating the rental portal with HWDSB’s Accommodation and Planning department. The Rentals team will reach out to reschedule, relocate or cancel any relevant activities during construction.
    • Documentation gathering to confirm MOL compliance of the contractor and all subtrades, performance and labour and material payment bonds, insurance, WSIB compliance.
    • Schedule, cost and quality control through regular project meetings and on-site visits.
    • Field review reports, reviewing and responding to site condition issues, third party testing and inspection, processing progress draws (invoices).
  4. Project Close
    • Consultant deficiency reviews.
    • submission of operation and maintenance manuals.
    • 1 year warranty reviews.

Who can I direct any questions or concerns to during construction?

  • Staff and families are to direct all questions and concerns to the school Principal/VP.
  • Community forums, website updates and staff information sessions, which are project dependent, may be offered to provide clarity.

How does HWDSB hire architects, engineers, consultants, contractors, and other applicable subject matter experts?

  • We work with our Procurement and Risk Management Department to utilize industry standard contracts, policies, and procedures.
  • We use prequalified Vendors of Record for consultants (professional Architects and Engineers) and General Contractors.
  • Procurement is completed via a third-party tendering system to provide transparency.

A lot of HWDSB’s schools are very old, and we are worried about asbestos disturbance impacting staff, students, and the community. What steps are taken to mitigate this risk?

  • Each school also has an asbestos inventory report, which is a mandated document found in hard copy at the school, updated on a yearly basis and at the end of a construction project.
  • An Environmental Consultant is engaged during the design stage to test the school’s building materials that will be affected by construction per O. Reg. 278/05.
  • A Designated Substance Assessment Report (also called a Hazardous Building Material Assessment Report) is provided to confirm project specific hazardous materials and specialized removal requirements to facilitate the construction scope. This differs from the school’s asbestos inventory; meant to provide high level information on asbestos containing materials in each school, which takes a cautious approach to maintain staff and student safety.
  • A prequalified hazardous materials removal contractor must provide all necessary training and safety certification prior to commencing abatement.
  • The Environmental Consultant conduct visits during and immediately after removals for visual inspections as per the O. Reg. 278/05.
  • Hazardous material abatement is complete after school hours following the O. Reg 279/05.
  • If hazardous material is found, subcontractors immediately stop work, the environmental consultants complete additional testing and sampling, and decisions are made on next steps to ensure the project is following the regulations.

What will I be required to do to prepare for construction?

  • School staff may be asked to pack-up and take-home personal belongs.
  • Furniture in classrooms, meeting rooms or other school areas may be removed or relocated.
  • Classrooms may be relocated to temporary locations including portables.

How are Health & Safety risks mitigated during construction?

  • Preconstruction reviews are conducted to note site specific risks.
  • Contractors are required to secure all areas of construction through (at a minimum) hoarding walls, barricades and signage.
  • The constructor must provide a Notice of Project to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development prior to starting projects that meet the standards set out in section 6(1) of the Regulation for Construction Projects, O. Reg 213/91.
  • Temporary evacuation plans are communicated to staff and students, if required.
  • Staff and students are not permitted into the construction areas at any time.

At what times will construction be taking place?

  • Construction may occur at any time of year, whether school is in session or not.
  • Work may occur during regular daytime school hours only in areas that are not occupied by staff, students, aftercare, or childcare programs. Use of hoarding, barricades, tarping, signage etc. are used to indicate construction areas.

How will I be impacted during construction?

  • It is expected that the renovation work will result in some construction related nuisance noise, dust and/or odours including:
    • Painting
    • Mechanical equipment commissioning
    • Concrete or asphalt paving
    • General equipment maneuvering on school property.
  • All work that will cause a major disruption to the staff and students and poses a health and safety risk is scheduled to be performed after school hours. This includes:
    • General demolition
    • Floor or wall cutting or coring
    • Roofing related work
    • Hazardous material abatement.
  • Some projects will require temporary services to be utilized to complete the renovation, including:
    • Temporary heaters and/or fans
    • HEPA filters
    • Temporary electrical services, including lighting
    • Temporary doors
    • potable water service
    • temporary washroom facilities
  • From time to time, the school may experience unexpected service interruptions for these possible reasons*:
    • Power outages
    • internet or telephone
    • fire alarms or security alarms.

*If this occurs, the Board’s priority is to communicate with staff and families, identify and resolve the matter as quickly as possible to ensure staff and students can resume their regular daytime duties/activities. 

  • Construction related equipment and materials will be stored onsite in a secured, fenced in ‘staging’ area, which may encroach on staff parking or playground spaces.
  • Periodic and final inspections to confirm compliance by the City of Hamilton or other regulatory bodies during daytime hours.

What can I expect once construction is finished, and staff and students allowed to move back into the learning space?

  • The contractor will be responsible for cleaning the areas of work before handing the new space over to the school. This includes removing all garbage and debris and wiping down surfaces.
  • Caretaking staff are required to complete a final cleaning in all areas.
  • Safety is HWDSB’s primary focus. The safety of the staff, students, community members, and on-site construction workers is our focus and communication will be provided prior, during and upon completion of each project through your Principal, VP, and school website.
Updated on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
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