Reading is a foundational skill critical to student success, both in the classroom and beyond. Beginning in 2024-25 school year, HWDSB elementary schools will be administering annual early reading screenings for all students in Year 2 of Kindergarten through Grade 2. Early reading screening is newly mandated by the Ministry of Education through Policy/Program Memorandum 168.
From language and social studies to science and math, reading skills are critical to student success across their entire educational journey and having strong reading skills can ensure future career success.
What is Early Reading Screening?
This new early reading screening will be an essential tool to identify students who are experiencing difficulties with reading so they can receive the support they need to improve their reading proficiency and give them the best opportunity for success. The purpose of early reading screening is to:
- monitor your child’s development in early reading skills,
- identify children who need additional support, and
- guide classroom instruction.
The annual screening is completed one-on-one towards the beginning of the school year. Early reading screening is a valuable tool to help educators understand and communicate your child’s individual reading progress so that we can support their unique needs. This new screening is not evaluated as part of your child’s grades, but will help identify the support they need in order to develop reading proficiency.
The screening covers various foundational skills needed for reading proficiency. For example, your child might be asked to identify letters and corresponding sounds or sound out words. The specific details of the screening will vary depending on grade level. No additional preparation is needed or expected for the screening.
Acadience Reading
HWDSB elementary schools will use Acadience Reading K-6 as the early reading screening tool. Below are the skill areas and reading measures your child will be screened for through Acadience:
- First Sound Fluency (Year 2 Kindergarten)
- Letter Naming Fluency (Year 2 Kindergarten, Grade 1)
- Phone Segmentation Fluency (Grade 1)
- Nonsense Word Fluency (Grade 2)
- Oral Reading Fluency (Grade 2)
Grade 1 French Immersion (FI) students will be screened using Acadience Reading. Grade 2 FI students will be screened using Acadience Reading (French). Below are the skill areas and reading measures students in Grade 2 FI will be screened through Acadience Reading (French):
- Oral Reading Fluency (English)
- Facilite en lecture orale
- Facilite a lire des non-mots
What Happens After Early Reading Screening?
Early reading screening benchmarks indicate how students are doing on a specific set of reading measures. Students whose scores fall below the benchmark will be provided tiered support to help them catch up. The screening only provides one piece of information about your child’s language and literacy skills.
Teachers will connect with you to discuss your child’s strengths, areas of need, and to share examples of their growth and progress over time. Results of the first screening will be communicated to you in your child’s first Kindergarten Communication of Learning/Elementary Provincial Report Card and will indicate whether your child has met or not yet met the screening benchmark at the time of their screening. Teachers maintain ongoing communication with families to discuss the results of classroom assessments, as needed.
Should you have questions or concerns about your child’s reading abilities, please contact your child’s teacher and/or principal.
Thank you for your partnership in ensuring that your child has the best possible learning experience.
More Information and Resources
- Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 168
- Acadience Reading
- Ontario Right to Read Inquiry
- HWDSB System Learning Commons
Updated on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.