Update on New Nash Elementary School
Dear Tapleytown Families,
I want to update you on a decision that took place at the October 7 HWDSB Board Meeting. Here is a motion about the new school build in the Nash neighbourhood that was approved by the Board of Trustees:
That staff proceed with the competitive process for the new build in the Nash neighbourhood and continue to inform the school community, including families and students attending the school, the collective Indigenous student voice, Knowledge Holders and Elders on the progress of the new build through regular status updates on project milestones.
Additional details can be found in the New Nash Elementary School Update: October 7 Board Agenda
HWDSB staff have met with representatives from City of Hamilton, Public Health and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to further understand the events from summer 2023 and any impacts to the surrounding area, including the property for the new build in the Nash neighbourhood.
Staff also met with representatives from the adjacent landfill operator, Green For Life (GFL), to discuss the status of operations and the odour event of summer 2023. GFL representatives shared that the problem has been addressed and the concern has not presented itself since October 2023. GFL also shared that the event of 2023 will not present itself again in the future.
With the above in mind, HWDSB will move forward with building a new elementary school on the land purchased in November 2020.
Information about this project can always be found on the Tapleytown school website: New School
HWDSB will continue to update the Tapleytown school community on the progress of the new build through regular status updates on project milestones.
Thank you,
Paul Denomme
Superintendent of Equity and Student Achievement, Family of Schools 1
Updated on Wednesday, October 09, 2024.