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Continuing Education

Mature Student PLAR Process

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PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) is a credit granting process where mature students can obtain credits for prior learning of knowledge and skills acquired in both formal and informal ways, outside of secondary school.

A mature student is eligible for PLAR maturity credits if they are:

    • Turns 18 years old on or before August 31st of the current school year.
    • Are enrolled in a Secondary School or Continuing Education credit program (or in the process of enrolling).
    • Have earned fewer than 26 secondary school credits.
  • ELL students must be at a CLB 6 in both Reading and Writing to be assessed.
Returning (not active) and NEW Continuing Education Students STEP 1 – Register as a Student click right > ID Confirmation eFORM
Attend Pathway Planning Meeting     STEP 2: Once your ID registration is reviewed, you will be sent a link to book your meeting. 

During your pathway planning meeting, a Guidance Counsellor will provide a link to book a credit assessment once your PLAR eligibility has been discussed. You are responsible for booking the credit assessment meeting using the link provided and your HWDSB username.

What to expect during your Credit Assessment Appointment  WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Based on the number of credits you currently have, the Credit Assessor will guide you through one or both of the following processes:

Grade 9/10 PLAR Process:
IF you have less than 16 credits (or have no Ontario transcript) you will be required to complete an individual assessment in some or all of Grade 9 and 10 English, Mathematics, Science, and Canadian Geography/History subjects. (If needed, students can get support to prepare for Grade 9/10 PLAR assessments through our Academic Upgrading Program)

Grade 11/12 MATURE PLAR Process: 
IF you have more than 16 credits you are required to complete the Mature PLAR Package. Maturity credits will be granted based on life and work experience to date, for a maximum of 26 credits.

NOTE: Students will only be granted up to 26 credits and always have to earn their last 4 secondary school credits.


Updated on Friday, August 02, 2024.
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