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HWDSB Building

Progressive Discipline and Restorative Justice

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At HWDSB, we know safety is essential to good learning. Every student deserves to feel secure on school grounds and during school-related activities. While we strive to create positive and caring learning spaces, there are instances where certain behaviours inconsistent with our Code of Conduct require the implementation of progressive discipline and restorative justice practices. 

Progressive Discipline 

Progressive Discipline involves a series of steps taken by school Principals and staff to address student misbehaviour while allowing the student to continue attending school. Misbehaviour occurs when a student’s actions are harmful to themselves, others, or the safe and caring environment expected in our schools.

If a staff member feels that a student’s misbehaviour has broken a school code, the school will contact the parent(s) or guardian(s) and discuss the situation to determine if Progressive Discipline is needed. 

Supportive Measures for Misbehaviour 

HWDSB schools have many strategies in place to address misbehaviour, including open communication with the student, providing time for reflection, behaviour improvement plans, privilege removal, meetings with parents, staff supports, and referrals to community agencies for additional support. 

Guidance for Families

Parents can request a record of what the school has been doing to support your child at any time. We encourage open communication with your school and child, getting to know your child’s friends, and collaboration with teachers and staff.  

What Happens When Progressive Discipline Isn’t Enough 

If a student persists in misbehaviour despite Progressive Discipline, a Principal may decide on suspension. Click the following links for more information on suspensions and expulsions.

Restorative Justice 

Restorative Justice (RJ) offers one way to respond to harm by giving those who have been harmed the opportunity to be heard while having a voice in resolution, holding wrongdoers accountable, and focusing on repairing relationships. HWDSB uses Restorative Justice Practices (RJP) to help create supportive and caring environments among students, either as a preventative measure or in response to specific incidents, when asked by parents or if an issue is identified.

Implementing RJP 

RJP includes many approaches, tailored to the specific details of the incident or incidents. These practices are integrated in HWDSB classrooms through classroom circles, reflective thinking, peer mentorship, and lessons about student responsibility. 

Parents and guardians can also be a part of RJP, helping to problem-solve and encouraging an understanding that conflict resolution is a shared responsibility.  

Benefits of RJP 

Restorative Justice Practices can help promote a positive school climate through student engagement and supporting youth empowerment. This builds a student’s capacity and resilience to learn and grow while contributing to a safe, caring, and inclusive school environment. 

More Information 

Updated on Tuesday, March 05, 2024.
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