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HWDSB Building

School-Specific Standardized Ventilation Reports Released

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School-Specific Standardized Ventilation Reports Released

Ventilation is an important protective measure for safe school environments. Over the course of the summer, HWDSB has worked to improve ventilation in various locations ahead of the 2021-22 school year. These upgrades include projects funded through Canada and Ontario’s CVRIS-EDU program and about 1,039 High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) units being shipped to classrooms and schools. informational poster for hwdsb school upgrades

The HEPA units have been provided in accordance with Ministry of Education direction. This includes all Kindergarten spaces, schools without mechanical ventilation (Tier 3), and where there are active ventilation projects underway and not yet completed.

There are three tiers of ventilation as identified by the Ministry of Education. They are Tier 1 (supply, return, exhaust), Tier 2 (supply, exhaust) and Tier 3 (exhaust). Tier 3 schools are typically heated with radiators and have exhaust units for moving air. These schools will be receiving HEPA units to help improve ventilation.

For more ventilation information, including a Frequently Asked Questions section, visit our webpage.

Standardized Ventilation Reports

Community members can now view school-specific Standardized Ventilation Reports for our HWDSB buildings. This dashboard, which was standardized by the Ministry of Education, displays each school’s ventilation system along with other ventilation and filtration measures. Access the reports through the Excel document linked below.


To find your school, use the dropdown menu next to “School Name” and select your desired school. The content will then change to display the selected school’s information. The image below in an example of what the dashboard will display.

Ventilation profile information

Updated on Monday, July 08, 2024.
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