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HWDSB Building

HWDSB Asks for Communications Feedback Through ThoughtExchange Survey

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HWDSB Asks for Communications Feedback Through ThoughtExchange Survey

We’ve all been through an extraordinary year. Our response to the global pandemic and changes in school operations required us to communicate more often with families. We don’t want this time to pass without us asking you how we did: What aspects of our communication helped you and what didn’t help you during the 2020-2021 school year?communications TE

How can we improve what we do? What worked and what was not helpful to you? We want to go into September fully prepared to meet your needs in ways that are effective and meaningful to you.

We hope you can take a few minutes over the next few days to share your thoughts and then rate (with stars) a few thoughts shared by others based on how much you agree or disagree. This helps us understand the ideas that are most important to you. You can skip thoughts you don’t want to rate. You can also flag thoughts you think are inappropriate.

The exchange will be open until the end of the day on Friday, August 6th.

Survey link: tejoin.com/scroll/317997001

Quick Tips:

  • Do not use any people’s names because these thoughts will be removed.
  • Anything you write is shared with everyone else – contribute only what you are okay with people seeing.
  • Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts. Thoughts that are rude or hurtful may be removed from the conversation.
  • We hope that you will find time to rate around 30 thoughts over the time the exchange is open.
  • You can return to the exchange as often as you like to contribute more thoughts, read and rate the thoughts of others.
Updated on Thursday, July 15, 2021.
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