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Communication Standards at HWDSB

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Communication Standards at HWDSB

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) is committed to keeping parents, guardians, and caregivers well informed and knowing what to expect.

As part of HWDSB’s Effective Communication priority, staff have prepared Communication Standards.

These standards represent HWDSB’s communications commitment with families. They act as one more way staff can support a positive experience for parents, guardians and caregivers while their children and/or youth receive educational services at HWDSB.

Communication Standards:

  • Define what expected topics will be shared directly with parents, guardians, and caregivers
  • Clarify the ways that staff communicate with families such as by phone, email or mail (essential channels) or via website, Parent Portal, or social media, for example (supportive channels)
  • Create a consistent experience for families from school to school on expected topics and recognize when communication might be different as schools respond to various needs
  • Strive to remove message duplication for parents, guardians, or caregivers
  • Outline communication that may come from classroom, school, and district levels
  • Provide guidance related to response times with considerations to Right to Disconnect procedure, Addressing Concerns @HWDSB, Addressing a Human Rights Concern, and other policies, procedures, or guidelines

Communication Standards are guidelines to promote and use as effective practices in HWDSB. As we establish these communication expectations, staff can then support and accelerate engagement efforts with its communities.

Parent Tips for Supporting Communication Standards:

  • Ensure phone number and email is current at your school
  • Secure passwords for HWDSB Platforms
  • Frequently visit platforms to learn what is new
  • Provide feedback at the class, school or board levels

Learn more about Communication Standards at HWDSB.

View a Communication Standards Infographic.

Share us your feedback on Communication Standards. Email [email protected].

Updated on Monday, October 17, 2022.
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