Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini joins Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) as Director of Education from Toronto District School Board (TDSB) where she served as an Executive Superintendent of Education.
Sheryl began her career in education more than 30 years ago in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She speaks English, French, and Spanish and has extensive experience working in richly diverse communities. With teaching experience that spans Kindergarten to Grade 12, Sheryl is a strong advocate for public education and has a deep commitment to Indigenous rights, equity, and inclusion. Sheryl is committed to elevating student voices, particularly those students from marginalized or under-served groups.
Before becoming a Superintendent of Education, Sheryl held diverse system-wide leadership roles such as Central Coordinating Principal with responsibilities for English/Literacy, the Arts, and Early Years. She also served as a Centrally Assigned Principal for School Improvement and Principal Coaching. Working to implement Full-Day Kindergarten and childcare across TDSB for four years allowed Sheryl to work with virtually every department in the school board as well as the City of Toronto and Ministry of Education.
Sheryl is committed to using her leadership to support the Calls to Action and fulfilling our obligations to enacting Truth and Reconciliation. Throughout her previous roles, she has supported several initiatives that aimed to improve the engagement, well-being, and achievement of Black students.
As a dynamic leader who prioritizes building relationships and educators’ capacity, Sheryl is an effective communicator who is highly collaborative. She leads with integrity, humility, and vision. Among the many roles performed in Toronto, Sheryl recently provided strategic leadership for more than a hundred schools.
Sheryl is a charismatic leader who is ready to set direction in partnership with the HWDSB Board of Trustees and Senior Team, develop the organization to deliver results, advance student achievement through improved instructional practices and community engagement, and support student and staff well-being.
Sheryl is excited to contribute her leadership skills and passion for learning while developing relationships with students, families, staff, and communities in Hamilton.
Additional Information
Media Release – HWDSB Trustees Appoint New Director of Education