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Bell Times

8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Child Care

Visit our child care website.


Kara Kindree - 905-573-3000 | Email


Tracy Hale, Nick Jeffrey | Email


Paul Denomme - 905.527.5092 x 2361 | E-mail Paul Denomme


Kathy Archer - 289.339.0587 | E-mail Kathy Archer

School Council Chairs

Ms. Reid

Administrative Office Staff

  • Ms. L. Scali
  • Ms. L. Cunneyworth
  • Ms. C Kranjcec Bowley
  • Ms. T. Hawkins

Our School

Saltfleet District High School, located in Upper Stoney Creek, services a community with both urban and rural roots – our catchment area stretches from the Niagara and Haldimand County borders to the escarpment. Saltfleet has a student population of 1240 that is increasing annually as residential homes continue to be built in the area. Opened in 1996 at its current site, Saltfleet is the most recently built Secondary School in the Hamilton-Wentworth DSB. The school has a student capacity of 939 and, as a result of its burgeoning student population, has 12 portables. Saltfleet is one of two secondary schools in Canada with a fully operational Observatory!
The original Saltfleet opened in 1927 on Grays Road and was in operation until the new school opened in 1996. In May of 2007 Saltfleet celebrated its 80th Reunion at the school.

Known as “the Storm”, Saltfleet has a rich tradition of
academics, athletics, and the arts. High expectations in the classroom and in co-curricular activities allow students to recognize and achieve their full potential. Blessed with a dedicated staff, Saltfleet students have the opportunity to participate in a broad array of field trips, sports, and clubs.

In 2005, a poem written by a Saltfleet Student was the National winner in the Royal Canadian Legion’s Remembrance Day Contest. Athletically, Saltfleet won 3 City Championships in 2005-2006. The previous year the Boys’ Rugby Team won OFSAA Gold in Rugby as well as 2 Golds in Track and Field.
Whether pursuing a future that includes going directly to work, apprenticeship programs, college, or university, Saltfleet students have a wide variety of courses from which to choose including Horticulture, Quantity Cooking (Hospitality), Small Engines, Landscape Design, Peer tutoring, Leadership, Fitness, Yearbook, Rugby or Basketball Focus, Enhanced Mathematics, Photography, Animation, Keyboarding as well as 15 different workplace courses.

The school motto “Ad Altiora Nitamur” (We Strive to the Highest) is evident in students and staff at Saltfeet every day!


Programs and Services

Student Success Supports

  • Storm Link Crew Peer Mentoring (Grade 9)
  • At risk Co-operative Education
  • Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
  • Connecting College through Co-op Program
  • Credit Recovery
  • Learning Strategies Course
  • Student Success Teacher
  • Learning Resource Department
  • Guidance Counsellors
  • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC)
  • After school remediation program
  • STEP program (summer program for incoming Grade 9s)
  • Grade 9 Transitions Program –
  • Program Pathways Endorsements
  • SHSM  – Horticulture, Construction, Non-Profit, Information Communication Technology

Program Highlights

  • Horticultural Technology
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Landscape Design
  • Communications (includes TV studio)
  • Basketball Focus Course
  • Photography
  • Newly renovated Fitness workout room


  • Drama / Stage Crew Club
  • Senior Band
  • Junior Band
  • Choir
  • Guitar Club
  • Computer/Electronics Club
  • Positive Space
  • HAT (Healthy Action Team)
  • Creative Writing
  • Games Club

Before/After School Program or Activities

  • Basketball (Boys’ and Girls’, Senior and Junior)
  • Girls’ Touch Football
  • Cross Country
  • Volleyball (Boys’ and Girls’, Senior and Junior)
  • Girls’ Field Hockey
  • Boys’ Football (Junior and Senior)
  • Swim team
  • Waterpolo
  • Ice Hockey (Boys and Girls)
  • Basketball (Boys Midget, Junior, Senior, Girls Junior and Senior)
  • Indoor Soccer (Boys and Girls)
  • Soccer (Boys and Girls)
  • Track and Field
  • Girls’ Fastball
  • Badminton
  • Golf (Boys and Girls)
  • Rugby (Boys Midget, Junior, Senior, Girls Senior

Our School Plan

Curriculum Focus

Saltfleet’s School Improvement plan is focused on the Four Pillars of Student Success: Literacy, Numeracy, Pathways and Community, Caring and Culture.
This work has been guided by the following three questions:

  • What do we expect students to learn (skills, knowledge, attitudes)?
  • How will we know when they have learned it?
  • How will we respond, as a school, when they don’t learn it?

Environment Focus

Saltfleet is currently in the process of establishing a comprehensive recycling program with the assistance of the Plant Department. Once operational, students will be able to recycle paper, bottles and cans, cardboard and Styrofoam.
To ensure a safe learing environment and Learning for All, Saltfleet is also exploring anti-bullying programs that will reinforce our belief in Respect for Self and Respect for Others. To date, staff have been in-serviced regarding “things to look for”.
As part of our Grade 8 to Grade 9 Transitions Program which includes Drama and Music activities, Sports tournaments, Grade 8 Parents’ Night, Step Towards Tech Day, Saltfleet will be implementing a Peer Mentorship Program in September. Called Link Crew, the program will match incoming students with current Saltfleet students who will lead a variety of activities that will last throughout the Grade 9 year.

Parent & Community Involvement


In the last two years, Saltfleet has seen the number of students choosing Co-operative Education. As a result of this interest in Experiential Learning, many more community contacts have been made.
Saltfleet is developing community partners in the area of agriculture and landscaping and home building. This is a direct result of Saltfleet’s Specialist High Skills Major programs.


Satlfleet has a dedicated and active School Council.
Meetings are usually the third Tuesday of September, October, November, January, February, March, April, May at 7 p.m. in the Library.
New members are always welcome.  Please see the school council link for updated dates:  https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/saltfleet/about/school-council/
Saltfleet parents are always encouraged to communicate regularly with teachers about their child’s progress.

Updated on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
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