Saltfleet Learning Commons:
To obtain a device (ipad or laptop), parents/guardians must complete a device consent form: HWDSB-Device-Home-Use-Consent-Form-2020-2021.pdf This can be handed into the teacher- librarian.
The Saltfleet Library Provides:
- A quiet place to research, do your homework, or read for pleasure
- A computer lab with internet access and databases for research such as the EBSCO and Access Science
- Current and back issues of magazines and scholarly periodicals
- Help with research projects
- Seminar rooms for group activities (booked by your teacher)
- Help managing your computer account
Library Procedures:
- Please treat the library with respect. Other students expect and deserve a peaceful, attractive place to work or rest.
- Speak quietly.
- Leave personal music players, food or drink, cell phones, etc. outside.
- Library computers are for class work only.
- Do not rearrange the furniture. Chairs and tables are arranged to minimize noise and distraction.
- Computers are usually booked by teachers for their classes. If you want to use one independently, sign the list on the circulation desk.
Plagiarism (from the Latin word plagiarius meaning “kidnapper”) occurs when a student submits work of another person and presents it as his / her own. Plagiarism is theft. It is not only the theft of someone else’s words, but also of someone else’s ideas. Plagiarism is deliberate academic dishonesty and is clearly outlined in On Your Own (41).
- Plagiarism will result in a mark of 0.
- Progressive discipline may include conferencing with administration and suspension..
Saltfleet Library Catalogue
Do you want to find a book in our school library?
You can search our on-line catalogue to see what hard copy print resources we have here at Saltfleet. Remember, if you can’t find a book, we would like to know. We want to provide books that you will use. Fill in the request binder for books you would like…whether for research or personal interest.
Loan Periods
- Books – 2 weeks
- Reference books – overnight
- Magazines and vertical files – 3 days
- NOTE: You may renew several times.
- Fines for Overdue Materials:
- 10 cents per day for books
- 25 cents per day for magazines
- The maximum charge per item is $5.00.
Hamilton Public Library
The resources for the entire Hamilton Public Library System are available to anyone in the Hamilton-Worth areas. Library cards are free.
Using this website, anyone can access their on-line catalogue. Books may be requested and reserved at any time. Requests will be shipped to your closest public library.
Updated on Tuesday, September 03, 2024.