Welcome to Student Services!
Guidance counsellors are available for 15 minute, virtual appointments on Microsoft Teams.
Book a 15 minute Appointment with your Counsellor
Students can schedule an appointment using the Booking app (link below) based on your last name.
Guidance Counsellors:
- Ms. Susi, Department Head (x4390) – Servicing Students with last name A-H
- Mr. Scocchia, Assistant Head (x4391) – Servicing Students with last name I-P
- Ms. Sandoval (x4389) – Servicing Students with last name Q-Z & SHSM students
- Student Services General phone line 905-573-3000 (X 4388)
Students must use their HWDSB email (eg. [email protected]) to book an appointment and require parental permission (for students under the age of 18) to make a course change. Timetable change requests will be facilitated where possible but we unfortunately cannot guarantee a specific class or period for a subject.
Book a 15 minute Appointment with your Counsellor
Services offered to our students include:
- Facilitating university and college applications
- Referrals to board support staff and outside agencies
- Reviewing and maintaining Ontario School Records
- Assisting in student admissions and withdrawals
- Maintaining a resources centre including our computerised information retrieval system
- Arranging for transcripts and proof of education
- Information on financial assistance, scholarships, bursaries, awards
- Summer school, night school and elearning arrangements
- University, college, workplace counselling and career resource speakers
- Parent interviews
Diploma Requirements – 30 credits
18 Compulsory Credits
- 4 English (one credit per grade)
- 3 Mathematics (at least one in grade 11 or 12)
- 2 Science
- 1 French as a Second Language
- 1 Arts
- 1 Physical Education and Health
- 1 Canadian Geography
- 1 Canadian History
- 1 Civics (0.5 cr.) and Career Studies (0.5 cr.)
- 1 of English, a third language, Social Science or Canadian and World Studies, or Guidance and Career Education, or Cooperative Education (G1)
- 1 of Art, Drama, Music, Business, or Physical Education, or Cooperative Education (G2)
- 1 Grade 11 or 12 Science or Grade 9-12 Technology, or Cooperative Education (G3)
- 2 ELearning courses
+ 12 Elective Credits
- + 40 hours of community involvement + Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
- ** Courses may be selected from different streams (levels of difficulties) according to goals and interests. Check prerequisites and recommendations.
University (3U, 4U) – university preparation
University/College (3M, 4M) – university or college preparation
College (3C, 4C) – college preparation
Workplace (3E, 4E) – workplace preparation
Open Courses (1O, 2O, 3O, 4O) – no assignment of stream
Transcripts (OST) will include full disclosure of years 3 and 4 results
Ontario Student Transcript
The Ontario Student Transcript is a record of the requirements attained towards the completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. It includes credits earned, course completed, as well as the successful completion of the Literacy Test and Community Involvement. For Grades 11 and 12, it also shows all attempts at a course including unsuccessful attempts and upgrades. If a student does not wish to have full disclosure of a course on their transcript, they must withdraw form the course within five (5) days of the mid-term report. The first copy of the Ontario Student Transcript is provided to graduates free.
Transcript Requests
If you have completed high school within the three years, please contact your high school for a copy of your transcript. Records are only kept centrally for three years after graduation. Former graduates / students can obtain a copy of their transcript of marks by contacting Student Records. Fees are applicable. To determine who can provide you with your transcript please visit Transcript Record requests . Please click here to access Student Records.
Updated on Thursday, March 23, 2023.