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Information Communication Technology

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The SHSM–Information and Communications Technology enables students to build a foundation of career-focused knowledge and skills before graduating and entering apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace. Schools may focus on different areas within the sector, such as on communication systems, computer systems, or software and digital media.
  • Four sector-specific courses such as Communications Technology, Computer Science, Computer Programming, Tech Design and Physics
  • Three other required courses: English, Math, and Arts, Business or Science
  • Two Cooperative Education credits connected to an information or communications technology-related placement
    • Coop placements could include working at places like Cable 14, radio stations, graphic design businesses, IT departments for large and small companies, video game programming businesses
Experiential learning experiences could include:
  • A tour of a local TV studio or network monitoring centre.
  • Participation in local and provincial skills competitions.
  • Attending an ICT job fair or conference.
  • Job shadowing, job twinning or short-term work experience with an industry professional
AND Job specific extras could include:
  • talks with industry professionals
  • Interviewing a college or university student or apprentice
  • Visits to post-secondary institutions offering ICT programs
  • Participation in a dual credit program at Mohawk College
ICT offers careers in Broadcasting – Radio/TV/Film, photography, video game programming, computer programming/engineering,  media/public relations
Please see Guidance for any extra information on how you can join this exciting new SHSM at Saltfleet.

Refer to the ICT SHSM course list to track requirements. (spans gr. 11 & 12)

Saltfleet ICT Student Tracking Form


Updated on Friday, February 14, 2020.
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