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HWDSB Building

Courses & Registration

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What do you need to graduate?

Click here for the Ministry of Education’s graduation requirements

Please note that for students entering grade 9 in September 2024, the graduation requirements have changed. These requirements are changing again for students entering grade 9 in September 2025.

How to Plan and Upload Courses (Due February 20, 2025)

NOTE: Please choose carefully as courses may be filled to their maximum and we cannot guarantee changes to your selections after February 20, 2025.

  1. Download the Official Course Option Sheet for the 2025-2026 School Year
  2. Download HWDSB’s e-Learning offerings here
  3. Download the course selection guides for:
    1. Grade 9 to 10, or
    2. Grade 10 to 11, or
    3. Grade 11 to 12
  4. Attend the course selection presentations in our auditorium for:
    1. Grade 9 to 10, on February 11, or
    2. Grade 10 to 11, on February 12, or
    3. Grade 11 to 12, on February 13, or
    4. Grade 12 to Year 5 on February 14
      2. If returning for three courses, please choose: 3 courses, STUDY1, an alternate, and the NORET2 course code
      3. If returning for four courses, please choose: 4 courses, an alternate, and the NORET2 course code
  5. Review course descriptions and course prerequisites
  6. Plan your courses – show your parent/guardian
  7. Thinking about SUMMER SCHOOL? New this year – students can register for summer school early via Xello. See details below
  8. Download the Xello Help Guide
  9. Upload choices to Xello (found in the Hub) by the deadline of March 1, 2024
  10. Verify that your courses have made it safely and correctly into Xello through Parent Portal from March 11-22, 2024


  • HWDSB’s summer school registration is now open for July 2024
  • Students now register for summer school through Xello at the same time as choosing courses for the regular 2024-2025 school year
  • Students who don’t select summer school in Xello by the March 1st deadline can still register directly through Continuing Education from April 1st until June 27th. Details here.
    • Students who register directly through will not be guaranteed a replacement course of their choice (it might be full)
      • Example: a student decides to register for CHC2D1 (Grade 10 History) on May 1st through Continuing Education instead of Xello in order to make room for AVI2O1 (Grade 10 Visual Art). The Art course might be full and your counsellor will advise you to choose something else or to stay with CHC2D1


  1. Go to your Course Planner Screen and choose “Add Extra Credit”
  2. Type “Summer School 2024” in the “Extra Credit” course search bar
  3. Scroll to the course you want and click “Add”
  4. IMPORTANT: You can choose only
    • ONE Summer Co-op Course – recommended for SHSM students, OR
    • ONE Summer School FULL/1 credit course, OR
    • Civics (.5 credit) AND/OR Careers (.5 credit)
    • Xello will force the student to choose all their compulsory courses for next year, even if they have used the EXTRA CREDITS slot to choose that compulsory course for summer school
    • We need students to tell us which replacement course they want using the ALTERNATE COURSES SLOT (taking summer school will leave an empty space during the 2024-2025 school year)

Timetable Support for Semester Two *Closed for 2023-2024*

If you require a timetable change due to one of the reasons below, please log into your HWDSB account and follow this survey link.

Reasons for semester two timetable support requests:

  • failed a semester one course
  • missing a pre-requisite for graduation
  • missing a pre-requisite for your pathway (apprenticeship, college, or university)


We are pleased to announce that we have processed nearly 1000 timetable changes since last year’s original course option process. We are confident that most students have everything they need to graduate and pursue their preferred pathways. We are not inviting students to request timetable changes for the following reasons:

  • a different teacher
  • the same class but at a different time
  • the same class but via e-Learning
  • a change of heart with respect to an elective (i.e. drop Art, add Drama)


  • All e-Learning classes are closed for semester two

Repertoire Music

Students who choose to participate in Concert Band are encouraged to register for Repertoire (AMR1O1, AMR2O1, AMR3M1, or AMR4M1). Repertoire is an additional course that takes place before the school day. Its’ inclusion allows students the opportunity to earn a 9th credit for their Concert Band activities.

Math Pathways Flow Chart

Math Pathways Flow Chart : to help determine which math courses to take

Special Programs


Updated on Friday, January 17, 2025.
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