Students in grade 9 should contact the IB coordinator or their guidance counsellor to ensure proper preparation has been made for the IB Diploma Programme. Students in Grade 10 should ensure they have MPM2D Math and SNC2D Science in semester ONE of their Grade 10 year.
Grade 9 students are recommended to take:
- English and Mathematics
- Academic French
- Academic Science and Geography
Grade 10 students are required to take:
- Grade 10 Enriched English and Mathematics (when possible)
- Grade 11 MCR3U1 – Functions (Ancaster High students should take the pre-IB class)
- Grade 10 Academic Science and History
- Grade 10 Academic French
- Other recommendations:
- students who wish to complete all 3 areas of science should plan to take Chemistry and Biology in IB and select Physics for grade 10
- Perhaps pursue Grade 12 Physics in summer school, e-learning or during the one spare you get during your two-year IB program (check to see if it’s available during this spare).
- students who are unsure if they will be able to complete the full IB Diploma Programme should take grade 10 careers and civics
- Students interested in ab initio Spanish are learning the language from scratch, however having a Spanish course already will certainly help as this will likely be a mixed class.
- students who wish to complete all 3 areas of science should plan to take Chemistry and Biology in IB and select Physics for grade 10
Updated on Friday, December 02, 2022.