Course: Career Studies
Course Code: GLC-2O3
Prerequisite: None
This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals in education and work and contribute to their communities. Student learning will include assessing their own knowledge, skills, and characteristics and investigating economic trends, workplace organization, work opportunities, and ways to search for work. The course explores postsecondary learning options, prepares students for community-based learning, and helps them build the capabilities needed for managing work and life transitions. Students will design action plans for pursuing their goals. Curriculum Units
- Personal knowledge and management skills
- Exploration of opportunities
- Preparation for transitions and change
Evaluation Policy
Final marks will be calculated using the prescribed learning strands with the following weighting:
Learning Categories
- Portfolio 30%
- Knowledge/Understanding 20 %
- Thinking/Inquiry 20 %
- Communication 10 %
- Application 20 %
Cumulative Mark 100%
Reported marks reflect the cumulative effort of the student up to the end of the reporting period. Ancaster High School Guidance Department
Evaluation Policy Types of Absences
Absences Explained after the Fact
Absences with no pre-knowledge of the teacher must be explained by a phone call from the student or parent to the teacher’s voicemail, or must present a note giving a valid reason for the student’s absence. Pre-planned absence Students are expected to attend class regularly, if a student is to miss an evaluation arrangements must be made in advance with the teacher so the evaluation can be completed. Reasons for the absence must be acceptable and the teacher should be made aware of the absence as soon as possible. Unexplained Absence Any absence not pre-arranged with the teacher, or for which a valid reason for the absence is not received prior to the next class (by phone or note) is considered to be unexplained.
What are acceptable absences?
- Illness requiring medical treatment
- Illness that makes it impossible to attend school
- Bereavement
- Field trip/sports activities (as long as explained prior to the day)
- Extraordinary circumstances
Missed Assignments/Presentations · Students are expected to send in (major) assignments with another student or have a family member drop off such assignments to the office when they know they are going to be absent.
- Minor assignments are to be submitted the first day returning to class
- Missed presentations will be made up at a time negotiated with their classroom teacher
- Portfolio assignments (culminating tasks) must be handed in on the due date and will not be accepted after the drop dead date. Culminating assignments must be handed in order to be successful/pass the course.
Updated on Tuesday, December 11, 2018.