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Bell Times

8:15 AM - 2:35 PM


Jason Monteith - 905-648-4468 | Email


Kelly Davy, Cherie Mills | Email


Lindsay Snell - 905.527.5092 x 2626 | E-mail Lindsay Snell


Amanda Fehrman - 365.889.4415 | E-mail Amanda Fehrman


September 2022

Hello Ancaster students and families,

It is a great privilege to serve as the Principal of Ancaster High School. I have a long-standing love for this school and am grateful that my own children are graduates and had wonderful experiences on campus. I have very much enjoyed working to make sure that each Ancaster student has similar success and can proudly wear their ‘purple and gold’ and be proud to be a Royal!

I am happy to announce that effective February 1, 2024, I will leave Ancaster High and head into retirement. I look forward to spending more time with my family.  Mr. Jason Monteith will become the new Principal (he is currently one of our Vice-Principals) and Ms. Cherie Mills will come to be a Vice-Principal, along with Ms. Kelly Davy who has been here for a year and a half. I am confident that this administrative team will continue to support your students and create possibilities for each and every one of them.

Thank you, everyone, for your active support of our students.  I look forward to connecting with you and them.

Ms. B. Woof, Principal

School Council Chairs

  • TBD
  • TBD

Our School

Ancaster High is committed to fostering a safe, supportive and stimulating environment that promotes and maintains excellence, high self-esteem, mutual respect and personal growth within the Ancaster community.  Our unique transitional programs, numerous leadership opportunities, variety of educational experiences and community-linked activities support our students in achieving these goals.

Programs & Services

Plans of Care

Asthma Plan of Care

Diabetes Plan of Care

Epilepsy Plan of Care

Anaphylaxis Plan of Care

Student Success Supports

  • SIP-focuses PD
  • SIP-focuses PD including our associate schools
  • Transitions planning with associate schools
  • Professional Learning Communities with associate schools
  • School visits by our associate schools (2 days)-Pathway focus
  • School visits to our associate schools
  • CAT-3 testing in Grade 8
  • STEP program
  • Orientation programs for our grade 9 students
  • Grade 9 Night
  • At-risk grade 9 students attached to a caring adult
  • Hand timetabling /Reduced timetables/Partial programs
  • LRT support
  • Peer Tutors
  • Alternative Education
  • Locally Developed Courses
  • Credit Completion
  • Credit Substitution
  • Credit Recovery
  • After School Literacy Program
  • On going literacy program atta
    • ched to LCD
    • Homework hall; before, during and after school help; evening exam prep
    • On-line help for students
    • Co-op education
    • Student Success Teacher, Transition and Tracking Teacher, Data
    • Data collection for tracking and SIP
    • Student Success Team
    • Student Success Team referral
    • Tracking and Monitoring
    • Credit Recovery Team
    • Student Success team meetings
    • IEP’s, Accommodation checklists, IPRC’s, System Meetings
    • e-learning courses
    • Social worker, school nurse, liaison officer
    • Pyramid of Interventions
    • Ontario Secondary School Certificate
    • Ontario Secondary School Certificate of Accomplishment

    Program Highlights

    • International Baccalaureate World School – The IB Diploma Program is a globally minded, internationally recognized Diploma Program that will challenge students with a rigorous curriculum to help prepare them for university anywhere around the world.
    • SHSM – Specialist High Skill Majors in Manufacturing, Information Technology, Arts & Culture, Health & Wellness, and Hospitality.


    • Chess club
    • French Public Speaking Contest
    • Drama Club
    • Environmental Club (Eco-Ninjas)
    • German Contests (Regional, Provincial)
    • Grad Committee
    • H.O.P.E (High Schoolers Opening Peoples Eyes)
    • Literary Festival
    • Math Club (Mathematics Contests)
    • Music Arts Association
      • Coffee house
      • Women’s Chorus
      • Concert Choir, Jazz Choir
      • Guitar Ensemble
      • Intermediate Band
      • Junior Band
      • Senior Band
      • Dixieland Ensemble
      • Brass Quintet
      • Jazz Band
      • Cherry Pie Concert
    • Reach for the Top/Academic Challenge
    • Peer Tutoring
    • Positive Space
    • Science Competitions
      • Chemistry (3) Chem13 News, Avogadro, CIC
      • Physics (3) Sin; Cap, OAPT
      • Biology (1) U of T Biology Contest
    • Sound and Lighting Crew
    • S.T.A.N.D (Students Taking Action Against Nicotine Deception)
    • Student Council
    • Trips to various destinations and exchanges
    • University of Waterloo French Contest
    • Dance Club
    • D.E.C.A
    • Video Club
    • Writer’s Club
    • Yearbook

    Before/After School Program or Activities

      • Student Services
      • Resource Room
      • Public Health Nurse
      • Social Worker
      • Alternatives for Youth Counselor
      • Peer Mentors (Leadership Class)
      • Peer Tutors
      • OSSLT preparation
      • Athletics
        • Badminton
        • Baseball
        • Basketball
        • Cricket
        • Cross country Running
        • Curling
        • Fastball (Girls)
        • Field Hockey
        • Football
        • Golf
        • Hockey
        • Indoor Soccer (Girls)
        • Rugby
        • Soccer
        • Sport Aerobics
        • Tennis
        • Track and Field
        • Volleyball
        • Volleyball (co-ed)
        • Waterpolo

    Our School Plan

    Curriculum Focus

    • Maintain high EQAO success rates with MPM1D1 students
    • Improve EQAO results by 3% with MFM1P1 students
    • Credit accumulation of 100% in MPM1D1
    • Credit accumulation of 100% in MFM1P1
    • Increase support for individual students
    • Improve Literacy of Numeracy
    • Increase participation in Mathematics contests
    • Raise applied students OSSLT success rates by 3%
    • Increase OSSLT success rate for previously eligible students by 3%
    • Increase the number of students participating in OSSLT preparation series
    • Increase participation in after school literacy program
    • Increase teacher participation in OSSLT administration
    • Identify students who are “at risk” with the OSSLT

    Environment Focus

    • Continue providing transition programs for grade eight students such as the “Grade Eight Tech Day”, parent info night, “A Day in the Life” transition day, August Orientation Day, and the Grade Nine Weekend sleepover extravaganza.
    • Increase adult presence at school functions through School Council volunteer participation.
    • Formal celebration of student success with awards assemblies and student success lunches
    • Continue to offer formal leadership training for students in a variety of settings.
    • Continue to offer competitive technology resources with continual upgrading of equipment.
    • On-going evaluation and updating of our surveillance system.
    • Create and maintain a warm and welcoming environment is one of the main school focuses.
    • Create positive relationships with community support partners.
    • Continue working hard to remain as the school of choice for our community.

    Parent & Community Involvement


    • Continue to work with our community partners to provide learning opportunities for our students.
    • Utilize local business for cooperative education placements.
    • Invite local expertise into classrooms as guest speakers.
    • Continue to access coaching expertise from the community.
    • Continue our partnership with Ancaster Youth Soccer.
    • Continue our partnership with Ancaster Basketball Club (Magic).
    • Provide community service opportunities for our students for the benefit of our community partners.
    • Welcome volunteers from the community.
    • Provide tournament opportunities for students from our associate schools (volleyball, basketball, soccer)
    • The Ancaster Triathlon provides opportunities for community members, members of our police services, our students and has been expanded to offer opportunities for our elementary schools.


    • School Council meets four times per year, generally on a Monday evening every other month in the Library Learning Commons at 6:30 p.m.  All parents are welcome to attend.  The School Council acts an an advisory to the Principal on behalf of the community.
    • A “Parent’s Handbook” was prepared by our School Council.  This is provided to the families of all students new to Ancaster High.
    • We invite all parents, especially those of grade nine students to assist us during the first week of September in establishing a positive tone and provide a safe and orderly environment.
    • We are using a variety of methods to improve our communication with parents.  Parents are encouraged to check:
    • The school sign for upcoming events.
    • Our school website
    • Automated phone and email system, School Messenger to notify of student absences or to advertise upcoming events or activities.
    • Telephone and/or email communication from the subject teacher.
    • We encourage parents to make contact with the individual subject teachers if there are any concerns.  Our teachers will endeavour to return your calls and emails within 24 hours.

Updated on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.
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