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HWDSB Building

Career Planning

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Where do I start to find a job?

  • Community Employment Services: young people can get information on careers, finding summer jobs, resume writing, and other interesting things.
  • The Hamilton-Burlington YMCA has resources to help graduates find meaningful employment in the community.
  • Ancaster Community Services provides support for students to find summer employment and other full time or part time employment within our local area.
  • Academicinvest.com has listings for student jobs and possible career employers. It also has links to career research areas.

Are you making a Resume?

Where can I go to see what types of jobs I might like?

  • Xello – Each Ancaster High student has their own account, accessed via The Hub (students should not use the Xello link).  This website allows students to gather information about different jobs, take interest surveys to determine which jobs they may like to have, and determine how much, and what kind of education they would need to begin the job. This website also includes average rate of pay for specific jobs and job information from people who work in those areas.
  • 16personalities.com – take a personality test and get an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do!
  • Mohawk College’s Career Match Tool allows students to complete a quiz and then be matched to a program at college!
  • Jackson Vocational Interest Survey has helped people find occupations that match your personal interests for years.  This comprehensive tests will take about 40 minutes to complete and a fee will be charged to take the test.
  • Career Match – is a resource Mohawk College uses to help match careers with College Programs.
  • Career exploration information has been produced by the government of Canada to assist in finding job information.
  • Ontario School Counsellors Association (OSCA) has information for students and parents such as interest surveys, information on jobs and apprenticeships, and resources for post-secondary education are all accessible from this website. Many relevant links are found on the “STUDENTS” tab.
  • SchoolFinder.com has information on careers, career paths and finding the right education to help you get to your future career.

Workplace Safety for Youth

Each year our youth begin new jobs or take on new responsibilities at places of work.  We must always be vigilant and informed as to the dangers present at each workplace and help keep our youth informed of risks and rights.
Students should keep informed about their rights as workers. Young Worker Sheet – Your Rights @ Work
Parents should assist in keeping their children safe at their workplace.  Parent Information for Workplace Safety

Information About Future Careers!

Updated on Monday, April 04, 2022.
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