Welcome to Family Studies and Social Sciences
we focus on: Opening Eyes, Engaging Minds, Warming Hearts, Building Character & Shaping the Future!
Department Members:
Mrs. C. Barlett Department Head ext.211
Ms. Julie Davies
Courses We Offer:
Grade 9
HFN1O1: Food and Nutrition HFNcourseoutline20162
Grade 10
Grade 11
Food and Culture (HFC3M) HFC3MAncasterCourseOutline2016
Introduction to Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology (HSP3U/C) Ancaster_HSP3Ucourseoutline2016
Grade 12
HFA4U: Nutrition and Health HFA4Ucourseoutline2015-2016 (2)
Why Study the Social Sciences?
When your child participates in Family Studies they will learn to be the frugal gourmet, the wise consumer, and to eat for life. They will discover the power of choice and learn to cope, co-operate,console and care. They will discover that the top 10 list of foods is not hamburgers, French Fries, hot dogs, soft drinks, chips, candy,cookies,tacos, chicken wings or subs. They will recognize that children don’t come with instructions, only toys do. They will find that independence is: more like living with others than imagined and communication more than talk! Debt is a four-letter word, sex is not. Remember when you go out into the world, self-management reduces the chances of becoming a poverty statistic. They will learn how to build character not be one. The importance of family does not change; only the size or the shape of the package does. They will learn about nutrient bytes and lites and that carbohydrates are not simple. An investment in education is an investment in self and yields dividends for a lifetime. Better living through technology;keeping pace at home and in the world. Global interdependence; what happens in the world affects everyone. Heart is the centre of home; everyone’s homes. We are all equal even if we are not the same. It doesn’t matter where we come from but together we go forward into the future.
Updated on Friday, March 20, 2020.