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Co-operative Education

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What Is Cooperative Education?

  • Cooperative education is a program that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement in the community.
  • A student’s co-op program consists of the cooperative education course, which is monitored by a cooperative education teacher, and the related curriculum course (that is, a course in any discipline, such as business studies, mathematics, or technological education). Every student in a co-op program must have a Personalized Placement Learning Plan (PPLP), which shows how the student’s related curriculum course is being applied at his or her co-op placement.
  • The cooperative education course consists of a classroom component and a placement component. The classroom component includes 15 to 20 hours of pre-placement instruction , which prepares students for the workplace and includes instruction in areas of key importance such as health and safety. The classroom sessions held at various times during and after the placement provide opportunities for students to reflect on and reinforce their learning in the workplace.
  • Cooperative education allows students to participate in valuable learning experiences that help prepare them for the next stage of their lives, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace.
  • Co-op placements are arranged for students by their school and must follow Ministry of Education policy and guidelines.

How Does Cooperative Education Benefit Students?

Cooperative education gives students the opportunity to:

  • make connections between school and work and to “try out” a career of interest before finalizing plans for postsecondary education, training, or employment;
  • see the relevance of their classroom learning in a work setting;
  • develop the essential skills and work habits required in the workplace and acquire a direct understanding of employer and workplace expectations;
  • gain valuable work experience to help build their résumé for postsecondary programs and future employment;
  • experience authentic and purposeful learning outside a traditional classroom setting.

plus you will earn credits towards your OSSD

If you require more information about Glendale Coop, please contact Mr. Laporta, Mr. Bramer, Mr. Krampert, or Mrs. Gilchrist by email or stop by the coop office.

Updated on Friday, October 25, 2024.
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