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Welcome to the Modern Languages Department!

Bienvenue!  ¡Bienvenidos! Benvenuti!

“ If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” ~Nelson Mandela

Learning a language can open doors for your future. Living in a multicultural society, knowing another language not only helps us to communicate with others, but also understand each other’s culture.  Currently at Glendale we offer the opportunity to study French. Whether you are learning a language for future travel or to help you in your future career, knowing another language can take you places you cannot begin to imagine.

So what are you waiting for? Come learn a language and help open more doors to your future!

Department Members:

Contact all modern languages teachers at [email protected]

R. Gualtieri
Modern Languages – Department Head 

N. Danek
Modern Languages Teacher

L. De Luca
Modern Languages Teacher

Course Offerings



Gr. 9

FSF 1D1 Course Outline

FSF 1O1 Course Outline


Gr. 10

LWSBD 1 Course Outline



Gr. 10

FSF 2D1 Course Outline

FSF 2P1 Course Outline

Gr. 11

FSF 3U Course Outline

Gr. 12

FSF 4U Course Outline



Updated on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
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