We welcome you to Glendale Secondary School, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada!
A message from Ms. Hewitt:
Hello all! I am Ms. Hewitt, head of ESL here at Glendale Secondary. I am so excited to be part of Glendale and to work with all the fantastic English Language Learners here. We have students from every corner of the world, including China, India, Pakistan, Syria, Liberia, Iraq, Egypt, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Nicaragua, Cuba, the Philippines, Mexico, Albania, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Kenya, and more!! I work with an excellent team of teachers and administrators here at Glendale. Our English language classes are taught by highly qualified and experienced teachers: Ms. Chau, Ms. Loginova, Ms. Wang, Miss Rado, and myself, Ms. Hewitt. We are fortunate to have such skilled and dedicated instructors working with our newcomer community. Our principal, Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Smith, our temporary principal, and our vice-principals, Ms. Boulton and Mrs. Seiler, support us every step of the way. Further, we are lucky to have three settlement workers from the YMCA working with our newcomer students and their families. Ayah Mosawe, Fariha Ali, and Kim Cheung are available in room 232 (2027), as is Geeti Siddiqi, a YMCA youth worker. There is always plenty of support and help for newcomers at Glendale!
Support for ELLs and their Families:
English Language Learners at Glendale benefit from support from their teachers, but they are also lucky to have support from three settlement workers. Fariha Ali, Kim Cheung and Ayah Mosawe are settlement workers from the YMCA in Hamilton. They support students and their families with any settlement issues they may be experiencing. Fariah, Kim and Ayah can be found in room 232 (2027) and are happy to help students in Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and of course English! You can find Ayah on Mondays and Tuesdays, Fariha on Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays and Kim on Fridays. The Newcomer’s Guide to Secondary Schools in Ontario is a document created by Settlement Workers in Schools and can be very helpful.
Glendale ESL: Information
Glendale’s English as a Second Language program is a dynamic program that provides all levels of ESL / ELD courses, meeting the language needs of beginner to advanced learners of English. Our English Language Learners include newcomer students from all over the world; we also have a growing number of International Students from China, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico, Libya, and Korea. Classes for English Language Learners are offered in many compulsory and optional courses, including Math, Science, History, Geography, and the Arts. These courses provide the opportunity to earn credits in a variety of subject areas while focusing on the acquisition of vocabulary and writing skills particular to that subject.
The ESL program at Glendale is active in supporting our English Language Learners both academically and socially by providing a caring, attentive, and fun environment for all!
Newcomers and the Welcome (Assessment) Centre:
If you are new to Canada, you will likely be involved with the Welcome (Assessment) Centre. They are there to assist newcomers with information about elementary and secondary education. In order to become a student at Glendale, the Welcome (Assessment) Centre will book an appointment for you to determine what credits you have already received in previous years and will give you a test in Math and English to determine your level. This will assist in deciding your academic path at Glendale. With the assistance of our ESL Department, newcomers can transition easily to our secondary school, meet other students who are new to this country and make many friends, all while earning credits to becoming a graduate. You can connect with the Welcome (Assessment) Centre at 905-527-5092 ext. 2309 to make an assessment appointment. You can also speak with Ms. M. Hewitt, our ESL Department Head at 905-560-7343 ext. 4662.
Contact all ESL teachers at [email protected]
Meet our English as a Second Language Teachers:
M. Hewitt, Head (ESL Department Head, Guidance, Resource)
A. Chau (ESL Assistant Head)
G. Enright (civics/careers)
A. Rado (ESL and French)
A. Loginova (ESL and math)
C. Wang (ESL)
Our language courses:
Grade 9:
MAT1L1S – Locally Developed ESL Math
MTH1W1S — Destreamed ESL Math
SNC1W1S – Destreamed ESL Science
CGC1D1S – Destreamed ESL Canadian Geography
BTT1O1S – ESL Business
HIF1O1L — ESL Family Studies
Grade 10:
CHC2L1S – Locally Developed Canadian ESL History
CHC2P1S – Applied Canadian ESL History
CHVGLCS — ESL Civics & Careers
MAT2L1S — Locally Developed ESL Math
SNC2P1S — Applied ESL Science
SNC2D1S – Academic ESL Science
ASM2O1S — ESL Media Arts
Grade 11:
MEL3L1S — Workplace ESL Math
ASM3O1S — ESL Media Arts
EPS3O1S – English Presentation Skills
Luncheon of Champions January 8!
Last semester’s champion for the ESL department was Ali Zead and Nasser Saeed. They both worked really hard and made great improvements in his English! Congratulations!
Award Winners!
Congratulations to our award winners! Many of our English Language Learners won academic awards and subject awards from their hard work last year!
Christmas Celebrations! Christmas time is fun time at Glendale, especially in the ESL department! The whole community celebrated with a feast on the last day of school before the holidays; everyone brought in food to share. The International Students took a special trip to Toronto to have dinner and to see Traces, an acrobatic show.
Camp Wanakita
From October 14 to 16, 33 of our newcomer and international students experienced the distinctly Canadian fun of Camp Wanakita! This was our second trip to Wanakita, having run a similar trip in June 2014. Students participated in all kinds of exciting and fun activities…and at the same time, learned about Canadian culture and natural environment. We were canoeing, kayaking, hiking, climbing, and playing all kinds of games. One highlight in the evening was our Night Walk where we saw millions of stars; indoors, we entertained ourselves with a talent show. Everyone agrees the trip was absolutely fantastic!!!
University Tours
Through the months of October and November, students in our ESL program take tours of Ontario colleges and/or universities. This year, McMaster, Western, University of Toronto and Waterloo Universities will be toured by our students. Students are also attending the college fair at Mohawk College.
- Celebration of Eid and the Moon Festival
This fall we celebrated two important holidays in the ESL Glendale community: Eid and the Moon Festival. A delicious lunch was provided for students by our YMCA Settlement Workers. This celebration really reflects the diversity that Glendale (and all of Canada) offers. Thank you for cooking, Fariha, Houda, and Kim!