Commencement Ceremony – Tuesday June 13 – Important Information
All grade 12 students who entered grade 9 in 2019 are known as the 2023 cohort or the Class of 2023. All grade 12 students of the 2023 cohort are eligible to participate in this year’s Commencement Ceremony to be held on Tuesday, June 13 at The Grand Olympia Banquet Centre.
If you wish to participate in the ceremony, you must purchase a graduation gown—no students will be eligible to walk across the stage without a gown.
We are very proud of the commencement ceremony we provide for the Glendale community. It takes countless hours of planning and preparation to run this event and requires funds as well. The Commencement Ceremony fee is now available for purchase on SchoolCash Online until April 21. The fee includes the items listed below.
As a result, there is a fee of $60 which covers the expenses of the following:
- grade 12 student breakfast
- gown, cap and tassel purchase
- Commencement Ceremony program
- tickets and invitations
- music and flowers for the ceremony
- ceremony facility rental
- post-ceremony reception
This price includes three guest tickets for each grade 12 student. However, this year, because we have moved the location of the commencement ceremony, the number of guests you want to bring is unlimited—you just need to pay $5 for each additional ticket after the three already included. Extra tickets will be available on April 26th at the Grade 12 Breakfast and will need to be paid in cash. Should you be unable to pay the fee in full or part, please contact Ms. Miminas in the Student Services department or call 905-560-7343 ext. 4659.
For additional information regarding the Commencement Ceremony or graduation requirments, please refer to the “Services for Students” drop down menu and click on the “Graduation” tab. Students are also strongly encouraged to check their HWDSB student emails for important communications from the school. Thank you.
Updated on Friday, April 14, 2023.