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Pathways (Apprenticeship, College, Community, University, Workplace)

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How do students get the opportunities for Apprenticeship?

For many students, the road to an apprenticeship begins with a co-op placement. Employers value the skills that co-op students learn and students have opportunities to see if the skilled trades are right for them.

Can you get Apprenticeship Training BEFORE you are a signed Apprentice?

Mohawk College has introduced Pre-apprenticeship training courses. Find out which areas of skilled trades are being taught and when these courses are available by visiting the Apprenticeship page of the Mohawk College website.

How do you get information on Apprenticeships or jobs in the skilled trades?



Don’t miss out on a chance to meet ALL Ontario colleges in one place! Attend the Ontario College Fair  on October 16 and 17, 2024. Families and students will have the opportunity to interact with recruiters, college staff, and college students.

College Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year are Now Open! APPLY NOW!

Guidance counsellor support with college applications is guaranteed until the deadline of December 13, 2024. This advanced deadline gives us enough time to fix errors and ensure students’ applications are processed in time. The colleges have posted the Equal Consideration date of February 1, 2025.

Mohawk College

Don’t forget to visit Mohawk College’s Open House nights at their three campuses between November 5 and 10. Details here!

Need Help?

Students can contact OCAS in the following ways:

  • By phone, toll free (in Canada): 1-888-892-2228 or 1-519-763-4725
    • Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Via e-mail at [email protected]
  • Live chat Monday to Thursday (8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.) and Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

College to University Credit Transfer

Financial Aid for College

  • OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) to apply for a student loan.  Students will require financial information from parents as well as the cost of tuition, residence/transportation, additional program fees…  All OSAP information will be handled through the Financial Aid Office of the college they will attend
  • OSAP Estimator will help determine what you will likely be eligible to receive in student loans

Do College Graduates get Jobs?

Private Career Colleges

Some students may want/need to access privately operated colleges that have very specific courses and programs leading directly to career paths. It is recommended that students get specific information about these colleges including whether or not they are registered and have approved programs with provincial government.  Students should also ask questions about job placement statistics and recognition of diplomas and certificates before enrolling in any private career college. For more information on Private Career Colleges, visit the Government of Ontario website https://www.ontario.ca/education-and-training/private-career-colleges .

Music and Multimedia Colleges

Hair Design and Esthetics Colleges

Health and Dental Colleges

Culinary Colleges

  • Stratford Chefs School – students are registered apprentices who train and attend classes through the school.
  • Liaison College – several programs with a variety of training provided.

Performing Arts Colleges

Multiple Diploma Options

  • triOS College Canada offers programs in areas of business, technology, law, and health care.
  • Westervelt College in London, Ontario provides programs in Business, Healthcare, Law, IT or the Service industry.


Please contact our special class learning expert Ms. Janis Crowe with questions about community living for your student.

Some of our students will pursue an Ontario Secondary School Certificate or a Certificate of Accomplishment. Click here for the Ministry of Education’s full policy and list of requirements on how to earn these two designations.



  • The application cycle for the 2025-2026 school year has begun! Apply Now!
  • Deadline to apply with guidance counsellor support is DECEMBER 13, 2024

University Applications for September 2025 – APPLY NOW!

  • Thank you for attending our Grade 11/12 Assembly on September 25th. In case you missed it, a copy of the presentation is here.
  • Please also review our Guide to Researching Universities
  • Research and compare Common University Data here: https://cudo.ouac.on.ca/
  • Students no longer require a Personal Insurance Number (P.I.N.) from the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC). Students now log in using their OEN (found on report cards, transcripts, and status sheets)
  • Please follow application instructions on the OUAC website or click here for the how-to videos
  • Students are invited to make appointments with their guidance counsellor with questions about their application after they have reviewed the presentation slides from the September 25th assembly and created an account on OUAC. Please bring a laptop to the appointment if you can!
  • The deadline for Ancaster High students to complete their applications (including paying OUAC fees in full) with guidance counsellor support is December 13, 2024. We need this advanced deadline to help fix errors and make sure universities receive your application on time
  • OUAC’s deadline for equal consideration is January 15, 2025
    • Some programs demand a supplemental application (standardized test, essay, interview, audition, etc.) and this information is due at different times – please check the universities’ websites carefully
    • Some universities advise earlier deadlines in order to qualify for an early offer or a scholarship (Ex: Queen’s University suggests November 20, 2024)

University Program Research

  • www.ouinfo.ca
    • This is the official website of the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
    • Please click the link and then navigate to the “UNIVERSITIES – Where are you going?” tab to see how each university is communicating with you this year
  • Council of Ontario Universities – Compare data on Ontario Universities such as tuition costs, graduation rates, and employment rates after graduation



  • McMaster University will be hosting two FALL PREVIEW DAYS– Saturday, October 26, 2024  and  Saturday, November 16, 2024.  You can also visit during March Break and during the May@Mac Day
  • All Ontario Universities will also be hosting Spring and Fall Open Houses.  These are valuable opportunities to see if the university is a good fit for you. Please check each university’s website for details

Ontario Universities Fair in Toronto

We hope you made it to this year’s Ontario University Fair! This event takes place each year at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Admission is FREE, but students are encouraged to pre-register. If you are currently in grade 10 or 11, it’s worth attending next year. Mark your calendars!

Ontario Universities Regional Fair

Ontario Universities Regional Fair – All Ontario universities travel together to the various regions of Ontario – check it out!

Applying to Canadian Universities Outside of Ontario

Students interested in applying outside of Ontario are directed to the individual websites of the schools. Usually, application fees are paid directly to the university and students are required to send their transcript manually. Some universities download academic information from OUAC if they subscribe to this service. This is a helpful feature for students who are applying to Ontario universities in additional to those outside of our province.

International Universities Fair

To learn more about international universities, check here. The Study and Go Abroad website has lots of information about how to meet universities outside of Canada.

College-University Transfer Agreements

Some students plan to attend both a college and a university to complete their post-secondary education and training.  Students can find agreements that currently exist between colleges and universities using ontariotransfer.ca or by visiting the schools’ websites. For example, McMaster University has some transfer policies here.

The Transition to University

Some universities have programs that allow students to attend the university for one year to work on their academic skills and take a few first year courses. Students who meet criteria after one year may earn an offer of admission into a degree program with the possibility of receiving some advanced standing. Some examples include:

English Language Requirements for Universities

Students who have NOT attended English speaking high schools for three or more years may have to take English Language Tests to gain admission to Canadian/English speaking universities.  Please check the university admissions requirements to ensure you are taking an appropriate test. Some examples are:


Where do I start to find a job?

  • Community Employment Services: young people can get information on careers, finding summer jobs, resume writing, and other interesting things.
  • The Hamilton-Burlington YMCA has resources to help graduates find meaningful employment in the community.
  • Ancaster Community Services provides support for students to find summer employment and other full time or part time employment within our local area.
  • Academicinvest.com has listings for student jobs and possible career employers. It also has links to career research areas.

Are you making a Resume?

Where can I go to see what types of jobs I might like?

  • Xello – Each Ancaster High student has their own account, accessed via The Hub (students should not use the Xello link).  This website allows students to gather information about different jobs, take interest surveys to determine which jobs they may like to have, and determine how much, and what kind of education they would need to begin the job. This website also includes average rate of pay for specific jobs and job information from people who work in those areas.
  • 16personalities.com – take a personality test and get an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do!
  • Mohawk College’s Career Match Tool allows students to complete a quiz and then be matched to a program at college!
  • Jackson Vocational Interest Survey has helped people find occupations that match your personal interests for years.  This comprehensive tests will take about 40 minutes to complete and a fee will be charged to take the test.
  • Career Match – is a resource Mohawk College uses to help match careers with College Programs.
  • Career exploration information has been produced by the government of Canada to assist in finding job information.
  • Ontario School Counsellors Association (OSCA) has information for students and parents such as interest surveys, information on jobs and apprenticeships, and resources for post-secondary education are all accessible from this website. Many relevant links are found on the “STUDENTS” tab.
  • SchoolFinder.com has information on careers, career paths and finding the right education to help you get to your future career.

Workplace Safety for Youth

Each year our youth begin new jobs or take on new responsibilities at places of work.  We must always be vigilant and informed as to the dangers present at each workplace and help keep our youth informed of risks and rights.
Students should keep informed about their rights as workers. Young Worker Sheet – Your Rights @ Work
Parents should assist in keeping their children safe at their workplace.  Parent Information for Workplace Safety

Information About Future Careers!



Updated on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
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