Student Success Teachers
Room 113
Ms. Tonogai
Phone: 905-522-1387 ext. 607
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 905-521-0542
The Student Success Teacher, on behalf of all students, is a key facilitator for:
- Direct student advocacy and mentoring
- Student monitoring
- Student voice opportunities
- School-wide professional learning focused on TLE, Building capacity for students and staff
- Student instruction for prevention, intervention, and support, i.e., Credit Recovery, In-school Alternative Education, E-Learning, OLC, Reading and Math Interventions, Student Success Co-op, Experiential Learning, OYAP, SHSM, Dual Credits, GLS, GLD, GLN, pathways to Graduation
- Students experiencing various transitions
- Support In Risk Students
- Data collection, sharing and analysis
- Re-Engagement of Early Leavers
HWDSB Resources for In Risk Secondary Students
HWDSB Strategic Directions Handout
HWDSB Student Achievement Pillar
Student Success Tiered Interventions
Updated on Thursday, March 22, 2018.