Bell Times
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
French Immersion
French Immersion is available.
Brian Goodram - 905-522-1387 | Email
Scott Barr, Sarah Beauchamp, Leanne Schaap | Email
Nicole Lee - 905.527.5092 x 2673 | E-mail Nicole LeeTrustee
Elizabeth Wong - 289.775.0768 | E-mail Elizabeth WongOur School
Westdale, founded in 1931, provides a culture of courtesy, care and co-operation where students are given the opportunity to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners as they prepare to pursue career pathways in a challenging and changing multi-cultural, multi-lingual world. The school culture mixes a rigorous, fascinating and exhilarating academic environment fostered by a highly motivated and enthusiastic staff with a strong sense of togetherness, community, and a wonderful spirit of mutual support and benefit. Westdale students are known to be highly successful in continuing their secondary school excellence into their chosen post-secondary pursuits in academics, research, business, career paths, and life in general. An extensive Immersion programme in French and second language programmes in French, Spanish, Latin, and Ancient Greek, along with extracurricular Korean reinforce both the international interconnectedness and scholarly outlook of our school. Westdale is HWDSB’s first International World School offering an International Baccalaureate Diploma. We currently offer two Specialist High Skills Major programmes in Construction and Arts and Culture. In addition, Westdale is able to offer a wide range of secondary courses including a unique Music Strings program and Enrichment courses in English and Mathematics. Our alliterative Latin school motto “Alius Alia Via Ad Astra Ascendit” means “Everyone finds his or her own way to the stars.” This motto recognizes both the ambitious nature of our students and the individual care and attention afforded them by our excellent teaching staff.
Programs & Services
Program Highlights
• Westdale offers congregated classes for enriched programming in English, Mathematics and Science for grade 9 and 10 students. Material is presented at a more rapid pace thereby providing time for students to pursue their interests and course topics in more depth. • French Immersion Program • Music Strings Program: Westdale’s unique Music Strings Program is offered in each of grades 9 to 12. This course is a continuation of the string music program taught in the elementary school system. Students will participate in the study of music through performance, creation, and analysis of Baroque music to 21st century music. • Specialized Course Packages include: Apprentice-Carpentry, Industrial Woodworking Technology Healthy Active Living Physical Education Focus courses: Outdoor Education • Personal Fitness • Rhythm and Movement • Court Sports Visual Arts Focus courses: • Ceramics • Interior Design • Photography • Art History • Illustration • Applied Design Multimedia Courses: • Media Art • Multimedia: Developing a Digital Voice Forensic Accounting
Triune, WAC Council, Grad Council, Environmental Club, Drama Club, Korean Club, Latin Club, Senior Math Club, Students for Political Action SPA, Westdale Science Club, Tea Club, History Club, Improv Club, Dangerous Minds Poetry Club, Debating Club, SPCA Club, Sci-Fi Club, WWSP Film Club.
Before/After School Program or Activities
Westdale offers many programs before and after school. The Music Department offers courses before school: Jr. Band, Sr. Band, Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and Jazz. The department also includes opportunities to perform at various festivals and competitions including Kiwanis Music Festival, Canada’s Wonderland Kingswood Theatre, Hamilton Place and New York City.
Various sports clubs have games and practices before and after school (see the list of clubs above).
The Drama Department produces a major school-wide production and a Sears Play; dance clubs and a theatre club.
The English Department visits Stratford Festival Theatre, and various other venues to see numerous productions.
Student Services offer extra courses for specific needs after school when necessary.
Our School Plan
Curriculum Focus
Westdale’s Value and Commitment Statement
As a staff we will strive to support our shared vision by:
recognizing that student success is influenced by all members of the educational team and working collaboratively to reach consensus and arrive at productive solutions;
treating each other with respect and equity, encouraging students, and building positive relationships;
collaborating with each other to develop and support curricular and environmental initiatives, school policies, procedures, and related responsibilities and duties;
monitoring and revising our Learning Team Action plans to maximize student success;
working with system and community resource personnel to assist and support our students as required;
being role models of school rules and responsibilities; and
engaging in continuous growth and development.
Environment Focus
In an Innovative Environment
Fostering an environment that encourages creativity and inspires people to make a difference.
Celebrating excellence, effort and innovation in pursuit of our vision.
Encouraging thoughtful experimentation and challenging routine ways of doing things, while adhering to the Education Act, Board Policies, and the Collective Agreement.
Adapting best practices in enhancing our mission effectiveness.
Parent & Community Involvement
Westdale is an exciting, dynamic school community comprised of individuals working towards enriching the quality of life in our school. Working together, we can achieve the goals set before us and, in the process, discover the extraordinary power and energy of friendship and creativity. At Westdale, we all reach for the stars.
We believe in the development of a safe, supportive, nurturing and mutually respectful environment for staff, students and parents.
We believe in the development of the whole student, by fostering the pursuit of excellence in academics, athletics, co-curricular activities, the arts, and community involvement
We believe in nurturing the positive self-esteem that results from being a valued individual within a caring community.
We believe in the development of a sense of responsibility and accountability in each student. We promote life-long learning, responible behaviour, and the willingness to live within a community where we learn from each other.
Home & School is an independent parent network whose members support public education and advocate for children and youth . It provides opportunities for parents to become involved at each level in the education system: the school, the district school board and the Ministry of Education. There is also a national component: the Canadian Home & School Federation (CHSF) which is comprised of representatives from each province.
The Westdale Home & School Association has been active at the school for over 25 years. As a member of the Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations (OFHSA) members accept the aims and objectives of that organization and strive to provide the best for each student.
Membership in the Home & School is open to all individuals, 18 years of age and older, who support the objectives of OFHSA and public education. Memberships are $20 for an individual or family (2 adults living at the same address) or $5 for an associate who is a member of a Home & School Association at another school.
Home & School traditionally hosts a “Welcome Back” event for staff in September, and a luncheon during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week in February. The association also participates in Grade 9 orientation events. Each year the Home & School Citizenship Award is presented to a deserving graduating student.
In partnership with the school, the Home & School has been successful in getting grants for the school’s nutrition program – and helping to prepare and serve universal lunches to students on a regular basis. Home & School is also an active partner with the school’s Walk-In Closet. In preparation for the school’s 75th Anniversary, the Home & School was responsible for revitalizing the gardens in the courtyard.
The Westdale Home & School Association has a rich history of members carrying on to serve at the Council, Region, and Federation levels of OFHSA. The association can also boast of three McLaughlin Award winners, the McLaughlin being the highest honour the federation can bestow upon a member.
The Westdale Home & School Association meets with staff, the principal and representatives of various student groups to hear reports, provide input on school matters and plan its activities. Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the school. All members of the Westdale school community are welcome to attend.
Updated on Thursday, March 22, 2018.