For some Westdale specific information, here is the PowerPoint from the Westdale Post Secondary Pathways Assembly:
OUAC Application Procedure
January 15th, 2024 is the latest date to submit completed on-line applications to OUAC
Students should apply well before the deadline to avoid internet slowdowns. The OUAC website requires one of the newer version web browsers.
Go to -> (OUAC 101) Current Ontario Secondary School Students
From here you can:
- View the tutorial for On-Line Application, found under Quick Reference.
- View the On-Line Application Companion Booklet 101. This booklet lists the OUAC codes. You will need a code for each program you wish to select.
Before you start you will need:
- OEN (obtained from any report card).
- A valid email account.
- Social Insurance Number (is not mandatory now but will be required by the university for registration and for OSAP).
- Your program choices and the OUAC code for each university/program choice.
- A Visa or Master Card number, including expiry date if you plan to pay online. Fee is $150.00 for thee choices. Each additional choice is $50.00. You can enter no more than three program choices at any one university.
Ready to apply:
Access the 101 on-line application.
- Enter your OEN.
- Follow the prompts.
- Check the accuracy of your Account Information and report any errors to your Guidance counselor. You are responsible for the accuracy of this data including grades, course codes, current courses and any courses you are taking through night school, online or through correspondence.
- Once you have completed the application, print a copy for your records.
- Print the screen displaying your OUAC reference number.
- Change your PIN to a password following the prompts. Keep this password!! You will need it to make any changes and to accept an offer.
- Once payment is received you can use your OUAC reference number and new password to access the on-line Review and Change Your Completed Application.
- Students are responsible for reviewing and changing their application data.
- Keep email addresses up-to-date with OUAC for correspondence.
English Language Requirements for Universities
Students who have NOT attended English speaking high schools for 3 or more years may have to take English Language Tests to gain admission to Canadian/English speaking universities. Please pay close attention when applying through OUAC with the instructions that school gives for students who will need to take an English Language Test.
Follow this link to see the requirements for each Ontario University for English Language Tests Ontario Universities – English Language Test
For students who are unable to meet these English Language Requirements, consider a CultureWorks program at one of the following partner institutions: University of Western Ontario, Brescia University College (at University of Western Ontario), Kings University College (at University of Western Ontario), the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and now Carleton University. CultureWorks is an ESL program that prepares international students for university or college study.
- Universities may commence making conditional offers as soon as they determine that they have received sufficient academic and application data; offer dates will vary by university and program.
- Applicants accept or decline offers of admission using the “Review and Change Your Completed Application” system online.
- February-April Early offers sent out after Semester one final marks are received.
- End of May Majority of offers sent out after Semester two mid-term marks.
- June 3, 2019 Last day to accept a conditional offer of admission. After this day your spot in the program will be given to another.
- All offers are conditional upon student maintaining the required marks until the end of the semester.
Other Resources to Consider:
- Do your research on all universities in Ontario on ONE website, use EINFO
- Program Requirements Chart – A quick way to find out the requirements needed to get into Ontario university programs.
- Click here to get a University Research Checklist, a step by step process to apply for university.
- How to apply for OSAP?
- Click here to see a list of all events for new students at all Ontario Universities New Student Events
- Want to know about meal plans at Ontario Universities? Residence and Meal Plans
- Help Choosing a University in Ontario
- Help Choosing a University in BC
- Help Choosing a University in the Atlantic