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Grade 9 Option Sheet Process (In Catchment)
* Students living within the Sir Winston Churchill catchment and currently attending an HWDSB school, will fill out option sheets provided by SWC, at their current elementary school. Students will then enter their options online in Career Cruising, with the help of their Grade 8 classroom teacher.
SWC – Grade 9 School Tour
Grade 9 Registration Process (In Catchment, but not attending a feeder school)
- Register for school on the main HWDSB website – How To Register
- Use the Grade 9 Course Description & Handbook below to help you choose your Grade 9 courses.
- Take the completed Option Sheet to your current school so the Grade 8 teacher(s) can check off course level recommendations and the Principal can sign and return the option sheet to you.
- Once all completed forms are submitted a meeting with administration & guidance counselors will be scheduled.
You may be contacted if your application is not eligible due to your home address being outside our school catchment area. (Please see the below information on the out-of-catchment process*) - If you are not able to download the forms from the HWDSB website, you can obtain a form in Student Services.
Not Sure of Your Catchment?
* If you are unsure of your catchment status, please visit the HWDSB website and use the Find a School tool to determine which school you will attend for September. Type in your address, select your grade level, select your program (French Immersion or Regular), then click “Search”.
If you are Out-of-Catchment (OOC) and wish to apply you will need to fill out an
Out-of-Catchment form. More information regarding the OOC process, can be found here:
Out of Catchment Info
Updated on Wednesday, September 27, 2023.