For additional information, please visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/prepare-apprenticeship
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
If you’re in high school – either Grade 11 or 12 – you can earn co-op education credits through work placements in a skilled trade, such as:
- automotive service technician
- hairstylist
- general carpenter
- cook
Co-op education credits are actual secondary school credits. It’s just that you earn them through a work placement.
How to qualify
To qualify for the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, you must:
- be at least 16 years old
- be studying full-time in high school
- either enrolled in Grade 11 or 12 or equivalent
- have earned at least 16 credits
How to apply
Connect with your Guidance Counselor or Co-op Teacher for more information and program details.
Pre-Apprenticeship Training
If you’re interested in working in a trade but don’t have the skills or experience to get a job as an apprentice, you can apply for this training.
How it works
You can get this training through different organizations, such as colleges or community agencies, across Ontario.
It’s free – costs for textbooks, safety equipment and tools are also covered.
The training goes for up to 52 weeks and starts at different times throughout the year.
You can receive:
- safety training for skilled trades
- training to improve your academic skills
- basic level apprenticeship in-school training
Pre-apprenticeship training also includes a work placement for eight to 12 weeks.
How to qualify
There are programs for youth or adults who:
- graduated from high school
- left before finishing high school
- are unemployed or underemployed (age and eligibility for Employment Insurance are not considered)
- are Indigenous, newcomers to Canada, women, Francophone or youth-at-risk
How to apply
You can search for pre-apprenticeship training near you – then apply directly to the organization offering it.
If you want help finding and applying to an organization, contact Employment Ontario.
Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship Program
You can take college courses and start training as an apprentice in a skilled trade through this program.
Depending on the trade, you can complete the program in 2 years, and have both a college diploma and completed apprenticeship requirements toward your apprenticeship certification in a skilled trade.
How to qualify
You have to qualify for the college program and for apprenticeship for the trade, as set by the Ontario College of Trades – it regulates the skilled trades in the province.
For more information, please visit the Ontario College of Trades Website: https://www.collegeoftrades.ca/
Updated on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.