University Application Information
Ontario University Application Information for Current High School Students.
For additional details and information, please visit https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-101/101-info/
Step 1: Research Your University Selections
- Check out university publications and university websites.
- Visit eINFO and the 101 application to browse programs online.
- Record your program choices and their OUAC codes.
- Make note of all admission requirements and program-specific deadlines.
- Review the 101 Application Guide.
- Attend the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) and/or the University Information Program (UIP).
Step 2: Gather Information Needed to Apply
- In October/November your high school will distribute Application Access Code letters that contain the information required to apply online:
- School Number
- Student Number
- Temporary PIN
- Narrow down your university program selections by talking to your parents, teachers and guidance counsellors about your interests and options.
- Watch the instructional video on how to apply online.
- Review the 101 Important Dates.
Step 3: Apply
- Use the information in your Application Access Code Letter to log in to your online application.
- Complete all sections of the application.
- Review your program selections before clicking “I Verify and Agree”.
- Submit your application, with payment, well before the 101 application deadline and any university program-specific deadlines.
- Record the OUAC Reference Number you receive and keep it in a safe place. You will require this number, along with your password, for future access to your application, and to respond to university offers of admission.
Step 4: After Applying
- Log in to your online application to verify the details. Review and make any necessary changes. Note: During the busy periods around deadline dates (January/February), it can take up to 2 weeks to process your application. Normally, it takes 1-3 business days.
- Ensure spam filters are set to accept email from the OUAC and the universities you applied to. Email is the primary mode of communication for the universities and the OUAC.
- The universities will acknowledge that they received your application.
- After you receive your report card, log in to verify your grades information. Notify your guidance office of any necessary corrections.
- Visit a university. University open houses and campus visits are great ways to experience first-hand what campus life is like and help you decide which university is the best fit for you.
- Expect to receive either an offer of admission or a refusal from the universities you applied to by the end of May.
Updated on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.