Help us keep the air we share healthy and fragrance free!
Scented products or fragrances can result in discomfort or adverse health effects for some employees.
Fragrances and scents exist in a wide range of products and may include:
Perfumes, cologne, body spray, plug-in air fresheners, essential oils, etc.
It is important to realize that the chemicals from which the products are created are shared by our fellow staff members, students, and visitors. Symptoms for those who experience adverse health effects may include headaches, nausea, runny/stuffy noses, skin reactions, wheezing, difficulty breathing, or even anaphylaxis. Not only can these products contribute to discomfort and adverse health effects for some they can also contribute to indoor air quality concerns.
How can you help?
-Refrain from the use of scented products at school. I
Thank-you for your assistance and cooperation.
Updated on Tuesday, September 14, 2021.