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HWDSB Building

SWC – OSSLT Spring Writing

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SWC – OSSLT Spring Writing

Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School

Spring OSSLT Information and Communication to Families

On Monday, April 15 and Wednesday, April 17, all eligible grade 10 students will participate in writing the OSSLT to fulfill their OSSD literacy requirement for graduation. The tests will be written in the morning each day, so please encourage your student to arrive to school on time!

The Test Framework:

Session A  – written on April 15 – focuses on reading and open-response questions

Session B – written on April 17 – focuses on reading comprehension and writing skills, including a series of opinion paragraphs


Where will the test be written?

Students will write the test in their period 2 classes (beginning at 10:25am) under the supervision of Sir Winston Churchill educators

How will the test be administered?

The test is entirely online. Students MUST use their HWDSB-provided devices to write the OSSLT.

Students are responsible for bringing their devices fully charged as well as bringing their chargers.

Please note that online test has many assistive features to support all students including:

An easy-to-access help menu

A text-speech function that reads the text on the screen aloud

A line reader that helps students focus on one line of text at a time

A magnifying feature that allows zoom in and zoom out

A high-contrast view

Annotation tools

A tool for rough notes and planning


How can I help my student prepare for the OSSLT?

Before the Test

Encourage your student to review what they learned in the OSSLT preparatory lessons they have been engaging with in their classes. These sessions included: Exploring Test Tools, Mastering Multiple Choice, Brainstorming and Written Responses

Encourage your student to drop-in to the Library Learning Commons during lunch or after school to ask questions or request additional support.

Encourage your student to review the format and tools available by previewing the PRACTICE LITERACY TEST, available through EQAO (https://www.eqao.com/)

On the Day of the Test:

Ensure your student brings their HWDSB device fully charged

Ensure your student brings their charger

Remind your student to be on time

Remind your student to eat before the test

Encourage your student to be positive and try their best

For more information about EQAO and to view the full practice test, please visit EQAO’s website www.eqao.com.

Best of luck to all students writing the OSSLT!

Updated on Friday, April 12, 2024.
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