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Principal’s Letter September 2023

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Principal’s Letter September 2023

September 2023


Hello Sir Winston Churchill High Students, Families and Community:

We have had a great start to the school year, as we welcomed our new grade 9’s to our school community.  Our Churchill clubs, teams, and activities are in full motion!  Field hockey, football, baseball, golf, touch football, basketball, volleyball and dance team are up and running—Go Bulldogs!  Our Student Ambassador team, Positive Space group, Concert Band, Announcement Crew, Student Council, and Health Action team, are also working together to make our Bulldog voices heard, and to affect positive changes at school and in our community.




Terry Fox Run/Walk Thursday Sept 28th


National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on Friday Sept 29th—also known as Orange Shirt Day.  Orange Shirt stickers will be provided to students on Friday that don’t have an orange shirt and wish to participate in recognizing this important day.   If you are unfamiliar with the story of Phyllis Webstad, Indian Residential School Survivor of St. Joseph Mission (SJM) Residential School in British Columbia, and why we wear orange shirts, please click here.


Senior Football Buyout Thursday Sept. 5th at 1pm.  Students can “buy-out” of class to cheer on our Bulldogs as they play the Ancaster Royals.



If your student has one of the following medical conditions, please complete a fillable of Plan of Care form so that that school staff are aware and informed about what to do in an emergency:

  • Anaphylaxis Care Plan
  • Asthma Care Plan
  • Diabetes Care Plan
  • Epilepsy Care Plan


Send your completed form to [email protected] .  If your student already has a plan from a previous year, and if there are no changes required, please confirm via email at the same email address above.


HWDSB follows Ministry of Education reporting periods for mid-terms and final reports with information that goes into a student’s official record.  It also offers a Preliminary Report cycle so that parents and caregivers have an early opportunity to know what is happening in class, and also a chance to connect with teachers.

We expect to send digital Preliminary Reports home on Monday, October 23. We will then host a Family/Teacher Night on Thursday, October 26, 5:00 – 7:00 pm. You will be able to sign up for appointments with teachers via an online process that we will share with you closer to these dates.



We welcome all parents/guardians who are willing to volunteer their time to participate on our Sir Winston Churchill School Council for the 2023-2024 school year.  Please come out so we can capture your voice and provide you with updates throughout the year to familiarize yourself with all that is happening at Churchill.

Our first meeting will be on Thursday October 12th at 5:30pm, depending on feedback from participants we will determine if meeting will be face-to-face, or virtually using MS Teams.

School Councils must hold annual elections to identify voting members and various positions such as School Council Chair.  Elected members vote on School Council matters and represent the group’s ideas and advisory suggestions for the Principal. Please note that you do not have to be an elected member of School Council to attend meetings.  All meetings are open to all parents/guardians who wish to attend.  Please consider joining us at School Council as an elected or general member.  School Council involvement is a great way to support your child’s education and we look forward to working together.  Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in joining our School Council so that I can add your name to our mailing list to have timely communications sent directly to your inbox.

To declare your interest to become an elected member on Churchill School Council, please complete a self- nomination form, or nominate another parent/guardian of a student at Churchill to become an elected School Council member (click link above).

Completed nomination forms can be sent to [email protected] by end of day Tuesday October 10th, or dropped off in the main office.



We continue to encourage everyone in the community to keep us informed about things of concern or celebration.  HWDSB has an anonymous texting service that you and your student may use. The service is called We Help

Enter this We Help # into your contacts if you wish- 905-963-0066


We are looking forward to a great Bulldog year!



Kim Collier

Acting Principal


Updated on Thursday, September 28, 2023.
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