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Featured Athlete of the Week – Ardit Gashi – Orchard Park

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Featured Athlete of the Week – Ardit Gashi – Orchard Park

Ardit Gashi is a grade 10 student who has been a dedicated member of the Orchard Park athletics program since he entered the school in grade 9. Not only has he been a positive contributor to athletics, his selfless service extends beyond the classroom with his involvement in special events and fundraising at the school.


With only the first semester and a partial basketball season under his belt, Ardit has already made a positive impact as an on court leader, outstanding student and an example for youth in the Stoney Creek community. He has helped others to redefine winning by focusing on victory as a by-product of the pursuit of excellence and effort rather than outcome.


Ardit is a student athlete who is responsive to the concerns and needs of others and treats them with kindness and generosity. He is an individual who models caring behaviour by taking a genuine interest in each teammate and anyone he meets. Ardit always displays exemplary behaviour. He understands and reminds others that their conduct away from practices and games will reflect back on their teammates, school and coach.

Updated on Tuesday, December 20, 2016.
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