Coop and OYAP are Alive & Well & Thriving at Sherwood!
Work experience in any field or career interest can be pursued by students enrolled in these programs. This semester we have over 150 students actively participating in a variety of work experiences, working towards earning 2, 3 or 4 credits.
Our employers are very supportive and committed to seeing our students grow, learn and succeed at their workplaces. Our students are working in a variety of hospital positions, daycare, social work, photography, hotel industry clerical, electrical, elementary schools, pet care, retail, police service, plumbing, heating and cooling, painting, nursing homes, hair salons, renovations, manufacturing and many more.
The coop experience provides relevant job skills, insight into employer expectations and an opportunity to become valued employees, as well as earning credits towards their high school diploma.
Some of the benefits students will gain through work placement experience include:
- Improved self–esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and social relations
- Greater understanding of values for remaining in school longer
- Gain insights and skills for making future career decisions
- Develop employability skills and gain practical experience to enhance in-school curriculum
- Develop communication and problem-solving skills
- Learn to build trust and be part of a team
Our goal is to provide all students with positive work-place learning experiences. Co-op teachers work collaboratively with the community to find work placements geared toward individual career interests of our students. Students taking an active role in their co-op placements develop a sense of ownership for that position, leading to increased motivation to succeed.
System program applications can be accessed at
If you have any questions, please call us at 905-383-3377 . We would be happy to help you.
Cooperatively yours,
Mr. D. Hilbert ext 4348
Ms C. Kaus ext 4369