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HWDSB Building

Co-op Programs

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MacNab Co-Op Teachers

Teacher Email Phone Number
Mr. S. Cave [email protected] 905-383-3337 ext. 3661
Ms. M. DiGregorio [email protected] 905-383-3337 ext. 3667

Now Accepting Applications - HWDSB - Building Careers From the Ground Up

Please use the link below to learn more about the Building Careers from the Ground Up co-op opportunity.

Building Careers – Experiential Learning

Application forms for the 2025-2026 academic year are due by April 15. Please use the link below to access the official application form.

Building Careers From the Ground Up – Application Form

Army Reserve Co-Op

The Army Reserve Co-op Program is an opportunity for students to gain experience in a military environment, and develop self-confidence, leadership, and teamwork skills, all while earning high school credits. This is a three-credit program that runs in Semester 2 for the 2023-24 school year. The fourth credit is obtained at the student’s home school or through an eLearning course.

Students spend the semester at an Armoury (James Street North, Hamilton), from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students may be required to work several weekends/evenings over the semester, but generally do not train on weekends.

Upon completion of the program, successful students can continue with their unit on a paid, part-time basis about one night per week, and one weekend per month. Summer employment is also available for students who successfully complete this program.

HWDSB Army Reserve Co-op Program Information Sheet 2024

HWDSB Army Reserve Co-op Program Flyer 2024

Army Reserve Coop Intention Form

How to Apply

Step 1Click here to submit an electronic Intention Form – This MUST be completed with a parent/guardian if you are under 18 on the day of submission.


Step 2: Complete the Hamilton Garrison Canadian Army Reserve Co-op Parent / Guardian and Student Intention Form. This form needs to be printed, completed, and signed then sent to the ARC co-op teacher – Mike Armstrong at [email protected]. Click here to access the Army Reserve Coop Intention Form.


Step 3:  The student and parent/guardian (if under 18 at time of signing) will then be contacted by the ARC co-op teacher as well as a recruiter from the Canadian Armed Forces to discuss the next steps of the application process.


Students are required to be Permanent Residents or Canadian Citizens and will need original documents to prove this. Additional requirements include the FORCE evaluation – which is a physical fitness component of joining the military. Click here to learn about FORCE.


There is also an aptitude test that must be completed. Click here to access a practice aptitude test.


Please direct any questions about the Army Reserve Co-op to the ARC co-op teacher Mike Armstrong at [email protected].

Application Deadline

The program runs Semester 2 only. The application deadline is October 15, 2024.

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Updated on Friday, December 13, 2024.
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