Sir Allan MacNab Secondary School
145 Magnolia Drive
Hamilton, ON L9C 5P4
Telephone: (905) 383-3337 Fax Number: (905) 574-6010
Principal: Ms. J. Zsiros (Acting) Vice-Principals: A-K Mr. W. Gillis L-Z Mr. B. Monkley
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @MacNab_HWDSB
Please note that your student will have information and contact information for their teachers on their course outlines. Teachers can also be emailed directly from the HUB. These are handed out or are accessible via the HUB at the beginning of each semester.
Click the following links to see teacher and administration contact information:
Updated on Monday, January 06, 2025.