Good school attendance and punctuality are important to maximize school achievement and are good habits to develop. The Education Act in Ontario sets out expectations for school attendance. Children of compulsory school age are required to attend every school day. A child may be temporarily excused with the approval of the school principal.
In the exceptional circumstance that a student needs to leave early for an appointment, the dismissal should be put into School Messenger and a written note in the Student’s agenda is required. Adults picking up their child must ring the buzzer in order to sign their child out of the school.
SCHOOL MESSENGER (1-844-506-4350 or www.go.schoolmessenger.ca)
Please contact School Messenger by phone, app or website before 9:30 AM if your child is going to be absent. If your child will be arriving later than 9:15, please use School Messenger to mark them late for the morning. (They must still check in at the office once they arrive.) School Messenger can be used 24 hours a day and can be used in advance of any absence. If your child is absent and you have not used School Messenger by 9:30, please contact the school directly at 905-692-5435.
In order to sign up to use School Messenger, the school must have your current email address and current phone number(s). Sign up at https://go.schoolmessenger.ca or download the School Messenger app onto your phone. Late students must report to the office before going to class to have their attendance recorded.
It is the legislated responsibility of parents to:
¨ Provide current telephone contacts such as: home and work number of both parents, phone number of caregiver, and emergency contact numbers for our student information file,
¨ Update the information during the year,
¨ Communicate with the school, prior to the start of school in the morning or afternoon, when the child will be absent or late for any reason,
¨ Provide written permission for their child to leave the school during the day, and
¨ Inform the school when their child will be returning after an absence of more than one day.
EXPECTED STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR: Respect, civility and responsible citizenship
All school members must:
¨ respect and follow all applicable laws
¨ demonstrate honesty and integrity
¨ respect differences in people
¨ treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is disagreement
¨ respect and treat others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability
¨ respect the rights of others
¨ show care and respect for school property and the property of others
¨ take the proper steps to help those in need
¨ respect all members of the school community, especially those in a position of authority
¨ respect the need of others to work in an environment that encourages learning and teaching, free of unnecessary disruption or behaviours
¨ seek help from school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully
¨ not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority.
(**Please note that repeated violations of these standards of behavior could result in suspension.)
It is a parent’s duty to please contact the school office as soon as possible with all address and telephone number information changes. The school will put the information into the Board’s computerized student information system allowing the necessary people to have access. Every student registered at school should have an emergency contact in case of emergencies and the school is unable to get hold of the parent or guardian.
The office telephone is for emergency use only. All other arrangements are to be made ahead of time including extra-curricular and social activities. Schedules of practices, after school clubs etc. are made available to students and parents in advance. It is the student’s responsibility to inform his/her parent of such activities.
Students MUST bring their agenda to class each day to accurately record homework, assignments, upcoming events, results of tests, etc. Parents, please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. Parents are to use this book to communicate with the school regarding absence/lates or with the classroom teacher regarding student questions or concerns.
Usually there is warning of severe weather. On such days, it is the parents’ responsibility to decide whether or not it is safe for their child/ren to attend school. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange alternative accommodation for their child if the latter cannot go home during an unscheduled school closing. The parent is expected to clearly explain the alternative to the child and to inform the school, in writing, what the alternative arrangement would be. Listen to CHTV or visit the Board’s website: www.hwdsb.on.ca for last minute emergency information.
HWDSB’s Nutrition Policy is based on the Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act April 2008. Visit this Policy at: www.hwdsb.on.ca and refer to PPM 150.
¨ Remain seated and in their assigned room during lunch and behave with courtesy and respect
¨ Clean up eating area as required, taking home any food/drink left over
¨ Use the washrooms prior to or after the eating time, except during emergencies
¨ Follow the instructions of the teacher supervisors and lunchroom monitors
NOTE: For supervision purposes, we expect students who eat at school to remain on the school property throughout the full lunch period. We strongly discourage parents from giving their children permission to leave school property at lunch. The school cannot accept responsibility or provide supervision off school grounds.
Updated on Friday, January 08, 2021.