2020/2021 School Council
Introduction to School Council
Welcome to the Family Information Zone. Here you will find information about the Bellmoore School Council, and how it supports all students in the areas of student achievement and engagement. The purpose of the School Council is to help improve student achievement and to enhance the accountability of the educational system to parents. School councils are advisory organizations that make recommendations to the principal of the school and to the School Board. Council meetings are open to the entire community and anyone is able to attend. In fact, we encourage those that have never been to council to attend to see what it is all about. After all, council is here to support your child!
Meet the members of School Council for 2020-2021
Bellmoore School Council 20_21
School Council By-Laws
Meeting Dates and Minutes for the 2020-2021 School Year
*As minutes become available, a hyperlink will be created. Please note that council minutes are always posted 1 month after the original date of the meeting (e.g., September minutes won’t be available until the council meeting in October).
Next Virtual School Council Meeting – March 11th at 6:30 pm
Past Minutes
Bellmoore Minutes Oct2020 | Bellmoore Meeting Minutes Nov2020 | Bellmoore Meeting Minutes Dec2020 |
Updated on Friday, February 12, 2021.