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Parent Involvement & Visitors

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Visitors and Volunteers are welcome at Bellmoore School. All Visitors are required to report to the office and “sign in.” Should you wish to volunteer to help at Bellmoore please introduce yourself to us. Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB), recognizes the important role of Volunteers within its organization. HWDSB believes that Volunteer contributions enrich student educational  experiences and contribute to more  effective partnerships between a school and its community. The Office Team will help you complete the process outlined in the HWDSB Volunteer Policy No. 2.11.


Our Parking Lot is for Staff Members only and community members with special access required, etc. disability parking.  Parking and signage must be visible in  vehicles accessing these spaces. It is not a Drop off  Zone or Pick up Zone for parents. Kindly, take note of the parking signage within the neighborhood to ensure that you are permitted to park on the adjacent streets, when accessing the doors of the school only.

ADULTS IN THE SCHOOL                                       

It is the policy of the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board that all visitors (persons neither staff nor students) check in with the office before entering the school. Parents and  others entering Bellmoore School will be required to sign in at the office before entering any other part of the building.  Any adult who has not signed in will be stopped and escorted to the office. This policy is in place to protect your children.


This is a reminder that it is illegal for anyone to smoke anywhere on school property.

Updated on Friday, September 01, 2023.
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