We have several students with life threatening allergic reactions to peanuts and nut products. Parents are required, under the new Anaphylaxis Policy, to inform the homeroom teacher and office, in writing if their child has severe, life threatening allergies, as we need to ensure that safety precautions are put into place. The safety of all our students is very important to us, so Bellmoore School is a Peanut/Nut Safe School. We ask that parents not send food containing peanut or nut products in their child’s lunches. Please read the labels and if it says “May Contain” we would appreciate you keeping these products at home.
Please provide reliable emergency contact information on the Student Information Form sent home at the beginning of the year. We need to reach someone in the unfortunate case where an emergency arises. If, during the year, you change your address, phone number, emergency contact, or place of employment, please ensure that such information is updated at the school.
Some students require medication during the school day. However, we encourage you to ask your physician for a prescription which supplies the dosage before or after school hours. Parents may request school staff to administer medication. In order to do this, parents must complete the Request for Administration of Medication Form, obtained in the office. Your physician’s signature will be required on this form. Without this form completed, staff is unable to administer medication of any kind.
Fire Drills are conducted three times during the First Term and three times during the Second Term. Lockdown Drills are conducted twice a year and a Bomb Threat Practice is conducted once a year. Detailed plans for Fire Drills, Lockdowns, Bomb Threats and Emergency Evacuations are shared with all staff. These plans are posted in every room and will be reviewed before the first drill, communicated to our students and reinforced throughout the year.
Head lice are tiny bugs that live only on the scalp of human beings and are the size of a pinhead. They do not have wings so they cannot fly or jump, and they are not found on cats, dogs or any other household pets. The bites from head lice can cause itching and scratching. Scratching may cause sores which can get infected. Anyone can get head lice. School children get lice more than adults. When children play, their heads often touch. Lice crawl from head to head. Head lice are spread by direct head to head contact only. Based on the current medical research, it is essential that head lice be treated with two applications of an approved pediculicide seven days apart.
As long as the treatment has been administered properly, the presence of nits does not necessarily indicate an active infestation. Please refer to the page Bug Buster Clinics for Head Lice on how to remove head lice. Additional information can be obtained from City of Hamilton Public Health.
Students who choose to ride bicycles to school are expected to walk their bikes on school property. Students are responsible for the safety of their bikes. Remember, it is the LAW that students wear helmets when riding a bike.
There are guidelines for students who take the bus for any reason, i.e., a school trip. The drivers are specially trained and licensed but are unable to do an excellent job when they are distracted by misbehaviour on their buses. School staff works co-operatively with bus drivers to try to ensure a safe trip. Drivers will report problems to the school and appropriate measures, such as the removal of bussing privileges for a period of time, could result for a poorly behaved student.
We are unable to give permission for students to ride:
- a) on a bus if they are walkers or are usually driven
- b) on a bus other than their own
The Code of Conduct Policy applies to persons on school or Board property, on school buses, at school-related events or activities, or in other circumstances that could have an impact on school climate. Any person who enters into an agreement, or uses school Board property (third party), must follow standards consistent with the Provincial Code of Conduct and with HWDSB Code of Conduct Policy. Principals have a legislated responsibility to maintain proper order and discipline of pupils in the school, and the organization and management of the school (Reg. 298.11 (1a, b)).
Under the leadership of the Principal, in conjunction with School Councils and the Safe and Accepting Schools Team, schools will develop a School Code of Conduct (see Section 6.0 of the Code of Conduct Policy Directive) which reflects HWDSB and provincial Codes of Conduct governing the behaviour of all persons in the school.
All individuals attending on Board or school property, on school buses, or at school-related events or activities, will adhere to the policy.
Bill 157 requires all board employees to report to the Principal if they become aware that a student may have engaged in an activity for which the student must be considered for suspension or expulsion, it requires principals to contact the parents of victims and it requires board employees who work directly with students to respond to Incidents.
Updated on Wednesday, January 06, 2021.