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HWDSB Building

Remembrance Day Service

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Remembrance Day Service

Dear Huntington Park Community,
Mr. De Man has been the lead Teacher in organizing our Remembrance Day Service.  Below you will read our order of service for our students that was emailed to our Teachers.   We also want to thank Mrs. Csordas, a parent from our community, for providing the Youtube links below.  Together, our staff and students will remember those who have gone before us to sacrifice of themselves to give us the freedoms we enjoy today. —- Mr. Petruccelli
From Mr. De Man to our Staff:
I’ve put together a video to show all classes in place of our regular Remembrance Day assembly.
The video and program can be downloaded using the link below. Please download them to your computer or device before Wednesday and check that the video plays with your classroom technology. I will also have them on a usb drive if you have problems with the download.
Remembrance Day 2020.mp4
Remembrance Day 2020 Program.pdf
Before Wednesday we can all have class conversations about the importance of Remembrance Day and create art to display around the school and in windows to share with our community.
We usually alter our schedule on November 11th so that our ceremony and moment of silence happens at 11:00:
Remembrance Day Schedule.
Period 1 and 2 as normal
Period 3 – Remembrance Day Ceremony – 10:40-11:30
Nutrition Break 1 – 1st half: 11:30-11:50
Nutrition Break 1 – 2nd half: 11:50-12:10
Period 4-6 as normal
Here are some links to other activities and videos about Remembrance Day:
Music in the Military
Masks 1918 vs 2020
Hamilton Ceremonies
History of the Poppy and crafts to make
The Royal Canadian Legion Teaching Guide
Thank you everyone for your participation.
Updated on Monday, November 09, 2020.
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